I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Hanging Out

School passed like it normally did; Derek and I sat by each other at lunch; we did that before we were going out, but still. It didn’t seem like our relationship would change, and of course I was happy about that. I wanted volleyball to get over as soon as possible; Derek and I had plans to hang out at my house later.

Alex was slowly walking out of the bathroom when I got home; I pushed him out of the way, yelling “Move!”

“Dang, whats your hurry?” He yelled through the door.

“Derek’s coming over; I need to shower.” I yelled, jumping into the shower. Alex mumbled something, but I didn’t hear it. I showered as quickly as I could. I got dressed in a simple sweats and tee combo. I had just finished throwing my hair into a messy bun when the doorbell rang. “Got it!” I yelled, running downstairs.

“Oh, its just you guys.” I said, opening the door, not bothering to hide my disappointment. John, Jeremy and Eli were standing at the door. I wondered briefly why they didn’t just walk on in. I thought too soon because as soon as the door was open, they walked right in.

“Who else were you expecting? We all know you don’t have friends.” Jeremy said.

I punched him in the arm; he winced dramatically, before answering, “Derek.” I walked over to the couch and flopped down on it. Everyone else followed my example.

“Derek who?” John asked.

Ugh, it seemed like I would be explaining this forever, “Derek, my boyfriend, hes blond; and hot.” I said with a smirk. I wasn’t paying attention to any of them; otherwise I would have notice all of their heads snap up. John and Jeremy looked shocked, and stole glances at Eli; while Eli was death staring me.

It was silent for a moment. Then John piped up, “Wow, I didn’t know you had friends, let alone a boyfriend.” I glared at him. I would have punched him, but he was to far away, and I didn’t want to get up. Unfortunately I had to, the doorbell rang.

“Hi boyfriend!” I sang to Derek. I honestly didn’t care that we’ve only been dating a day or that I was in sweats and probably looked like crap. I felt comfortable with Derek. I didn’t have to try and be someone I wasn’t.

Derek laughed, “Hey girlfriend.” He sang back. I smiled at him and he followed me into the living room. “Jeremy, John, Eli, and Alex,” I said, pointing to each one. Jeremy and John nodded at him; Derek nodded back, Alex came downstairs and said supp; Derek said supp back, Eli just nodded but didn’t say anything. It was silent for a moment, an awkward silent moment. “Let roll out Derek, my house is boring.” He nodded and headed for the door. I shouted “later” to everyone and left.

“Where do you want to go?” Derek asked me when I got into his car.

“I don’t really care.” He nodded. We drove around for a little bit and ended up at the park.

“Ooooh! Swings!” I yelled and ran for them. Derek shook his head and followed me. “Derek, whats your favorite color?” I asked him suddenly.

“Red, yours?” He didn’t even ask about the sudden twenty questions.

“Purple. Favorite animal?”

“Hippopotamus. Yours?”

“An alpaca...wait what? Your favorite animal is a hippo?”

He laughed. “Hecks yeah! Their so awesome; they can kill someone. Their like one of the deadliest animals.” I burst out laughing. “What are you laughing at? Your favorite animal is an alpaca.” He accused.

“Yeah so, how awesome is the word alpaca?” Derek shook his head and laughed. Our twenty questions game went on for about an hour before I had to go.

“I'm pretty sure I like spending time with you Derek.” I blurted out when we were at my house. I turned and faced him. He had a small smile on his face.

“I'm pretty sure I like spending time with you Marley.” Derek leaned in and gave me the gentlest kiss ever. It was amazingly sweet; he barely pressed his lips onto mine, but it was enough. It was perfect for our first kiss.

“Bye Derek.” I said dazed, getting out of the car. He waved and drove away.
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yeah, im ashamed by this chapter. it sucks so much. when i wrote it, i wasnt in a really good mood. i would have re done it, but i had already posted it on my quizilla account so whatevers. but! the fact about the hippo is true; i saw it on Manswers! lol.

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