I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Fights and Football

“Young lady where have you been?” Mackenzie basically yelled at me when I walk in the door.

“Um, out?” What was up her butt?

“You didn’t call, you didn’t leave a note.” Kenzie accused.

“Alex knew I was with Derek! I said ‘later’ to him!” I yelled. I ment to talk in a normal voice, but it came out a little louder than I wanted.

“Alex didn’t say a word. From now on you tell me where your going an who your with. Go to your room for the rest of the night.” I was seriously confused. Was I five all of the sudden and needed to be put in a corner?

Instead of going to my room, I went straight to Alex’s. I burst through the door without knocking. I randomly had the thought of ‘Ew, what if Alex is like jackin’ off to himself,’ but I ignored it. “What the hell?!” I screamed at him, actually, it was more of a whisper-scream; I didn’t want Mackenzie to hear me. Alex looked up from the magazine he was reading, surprised.

“What the hell what?”

“Why didn’t you tell Mackenzie that I was with Derek? I just got yelled at.”

“I'm not your personal assistant Marley, you should have told her yourself.” For some reason
Alex’s voice sounded bitter, and his eyes were narrowed, but I just figured it was because I was yelling at him.

“Well if you want to be like that fine. Don’t expect me to have your back anymore.” I said childishly.

“You?! You had my back?” Alex shouted with some humor in his voice.

“Well, I mean, you haven’t really done anything yet for me to have your back on. But if you needed it, I would have backed you up. You can forget that now!” And with that I walked out of his room.

Being in my room was incredibly boring. It was currently nine o’clock; I’ve been sitting in my room for two hours. I was almost tempted to just go to bed; I knew that wasn’t happening though. Around nine thirty, someone knocked on my door.

“Hey, Marley, can I come in?” Alex whispered.

“Sure” I whispered in return. He opened the door slowly. He walked to my bed and sat down, avoiding my gaze the whole time. His facial expression was a mixture of ashamed, confused, and angry.

“So what’s up?” I asked, curious.

“I'm sorry.” Alex still wouldn’t look me in the eye. I had a feeling he didn’t really like to apologize.

“Sorry? For whatever for, dear Alex.” I knew what he was sorry for; I was just being mean about it.

“Ugh, Marley! You know what Im sorry for. Im sorry I didn’t tell Mom that you were with Derek. I was kind of mad at you.” He glanced up at my face, and then looked back down at his fingers.

“You were mad at me? For what?” I had no clue that he was mad at me.

Alex opened his mouth to answer, but then he closed it and shook his head. “So you and this Derek guy, huh?” He completely ignored my question.

“What about him?”

“Don’t you think it’s kind of fast for you to date him? I mean you have only known him for what, a month?” I gave him a look that said: ‘Look who’s talking.’ I had seen Alex at school;
he was a total flirt. He was all over any girl.

Alex almost laughed; he smiled for a second, but then shook his head again. “I'm talking about you here, not me. I just think it’s a little too fast for you to be dating him. You don’t know who’s all out there; you know other people who like you.” He seemed to be hinting something.

“What? Someone else likes me? Who?”

“Um, I don’t know. Im just saying, Im sure there’s other people who like you.” I figured he was lying, but I let it go.

“Alex, I'm a big girl. I can decide who I want to date.” I gave him a small smile. Alex looked like he wanted to say something else, but he just nodded and headed out the door.

I was bored again. Mackenzie didn’t flat out say it, but I knew I was sort of grounded. Which I thought was totally stupid, but whatever. I guess it was okay, since Derek was off doing something with his family, so it’s not like I had plans anyways. I was almost bored enough that I semi wished volleyball practice had lasted longer.

“Yo hoe! You wanna play some football with us?” Alex asked, his “posse” standing behind him. Alex and I’s fight yesterday was water under the bridge.

“Sure, it’s not like I have anything better to do.” I answered honestly. I ran and put on some shorts, a wife beater, and threw on my Converse. Mackenzie was actually home again, and I figured that she wouldn’t have a problem with me going out in our yard, but I snuck past her none the less.

“Hey, we have uneven teams.” There were five of us: Me, Alex, Jeremy, John, Eli.

“Duh. We can count you know. You’re a girl, so who’s ever team your on it wont really matter anyways.” John said. I glared at him, he just laughed along with the other boys.

“You’ll see. I own in football.”

“Ha! That’s funny. Im sure you do, you wouldn’t want to break a nail now would you?” Jeremy cracked. That just sent everyone into another round of laughter.

“Just shut up and let’s play.” I growled through my teeth. I was put on Jeremy and John’s team; because apparently ‘they were so good, they needed to suck a bit,’ according to Eli. I scoffed at him when he said that.

As it turns out, maybe I should have been on Eli and Alex’s team, because to be honest, they needed to “suck a bit.” Jeremy, John, and I were winning ten to two.

“Aha! Beat that suckers!” I yelled as I scored another touchdown.

“Just give us the stupid ball!” Eli growled. He seemed to be growing angrier by the second. I didn’t know if it was because he was losing, or because of me, it seemed that he was mad at me. It could be both though.

“Here, make sure you catch the ball.” I said in a baby voice, gently throwing him the ball. He scoffed.

“Hike!” Alex yelled. He looked for Eli and threw the ball to him. I jumped up and intercepted the ball. I ran to our goal laughing. I almost made it when a huge force threw me on to the ground.
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