I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

No One Puts Baby in a Corner

“Damn Eli! I know this is tackle football, but you like demolished her!” John shouted. I groaned and sat up. Pain shot threw my back and right shoulder.

“What the hell Eli?” I asked, wincing in pain.

“Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t mean to tackle you that hard.” Eli said. To me he didn’t sound very apologetic.

“Whatever. I'm done, we beat you guys anyway.” I got up slowly, wincing even more. My back hurt so bad, I wanted to cry. I was sure there was going to be bruising.

“Marls, are you okay?” Alex asked concern in his face, while also looking pissed. It was a weird combination.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” I was fighting back tears. I walked slowly to my room, ignoring Alex and the rest of them. I looked in the mirror when I finally made it to my room. I looked fine, except for a few grass stains here and there, but I knew there was going to be bruises in the morning. I was incredibly pissed; my right arm was sore, I kind of needed that for volleyball. I wanted to go and yell at Eli, but I didn’t. I wanted too, but I didn’t have the energy to go find him, and, for some reason, I wasn’t really that mad at him. It was sort of an accident, but I knew he had been mad before hand, so it was an accident on purpose. If that makes any sense…

“Ow ow ow!” I yelled when Derek hugged me the next day.

“What? I didn’t think I hugged you that hard.” Derek stated confused.

“No, it’s not you. My back and shoulder are killing me.”

“What happened?”

“It’s nothing.” I answered quickly avoiding his gaze.

“Marley, what happened?”

“Nothing happened Derek.” I said forcefully.

“Marley.” Derek said my name with such force that I answered him quickly.

“We were playing tackle football yesterday, we being me, Alex, Jeremy, John, and Eli, when I intercepted the ball from Eli. He got a little mad and tackled me a little too hard. That’s about it. I'm fine, it’s no big deal.” I rushed.

Derek didn’t say anything for a moment. He was silent, thoughtful. “Im saying something to him.” I didn’t think he was saying this to me, just more to himself. He started to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

“No, don’t Derek. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Not a big deal? Marley he freaking tackled you.” Derek was mad.

“We were playing tackle football.” I pointed out.

Derek was extremely pissed now. “Marley, he tackled you because you intercepted the ball from him. I'm saying something to him. No one tackles you for a stupid reason as that.”

For some reason, this reminded me of, ‘No one puts baby in a corner.’ I started laughing.

“I don’t see how any of this is funny.” Derek said harshly.

“It's not sorry. Just don’t say anything to him.”

“Marley, I'm saying something to Eli.”

“No, you’re not. Just let it go. You’re not going to start a fight over something as little as this. I can fight my own battles anyways.”

“Whatever Marley.” He huffed and walked away. I stared at him, sad. We just had our first fight over me getting tackle by Eli. Great.

Whats up with you and Derek? Did you guys break up? Kristin text me at lunch. Derek was sitting as far away from me as possible; he hadn’t said a word to me since this morning.

No, he’s mad because I wont let him say something to Eli. I forwarded it to Sarah, too. I figured she was wondering too.

What happened?

Yesterday I played tackle football with Alex and all them. I intercepted the ball from Eli; I guess he got really mad cause he tackle me a little too hard.

He’s probably just jealous. Sarah pointed out.

Why would he be jealous?

You were playing tackle football with four guys. He’s a guy, he’s bound to get jealous. Kristin.

Well, that’s stupid. One of those said guys is my brother. And I have no attraction to the other three.

“Marley, look I really am sorry.” Eli pounced on me as soon as I got to my car after school.

I groaned. “Did Derek say something to you?” If he did, I was going to kill him.

“What? No. Was he supposed to?” Eli asked confused.

“Um, no. Anyways, thanks for apologizing. It’s cool.”

“Thanks Marley.” He hesitated for a moment, then came up to me and hugged me. I was so shocked; I just kind of stood there for a moment before I cried out in pain.

“Sorry!” Eli quickly let go of me. His face showed how ashamed he was. He walked away quickly without saying anything else.
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