I Finally Got Adopted..Dang


I slammed the door when I got home. I was miserable. Derek was still mad at me, my back and shoulder were killing me, and I was pretty sure I was still grounded.

“Do not slam that door young lady!” Mackenzie yelled. What was up with her being home lately?

“Sorry,” I mumbled; I wasn’t sorry.

I went to my room and just laid there and listened to music. I thought it was more of a coincidence that all the songs that played were slow, depressing, sad songs.

“What’s up with you being a Debbie Downer?” Alex barged into my room and flopped on my bed. He made the bed bounce so hard that I almost fell off.

“Thanks for knocking” I said gloomily.

“Your welcome. So what’s up?”

“Nothing.” I sighed.

“Whatever you skank, what’s up? You can trust me.” Alex batted his eyelashes at me. I burst out laughing, he looked dumb.

“Ugh. Derek is mad at me because Eli tackled me yesterday.” I sighed again.

“Hmm. Interesting.” He rubbed his chin. “You should just dump him.”

“What?! No! Its one fight. I'm not going to break up with him for that.”

“Well I'm just saying, if he gets mad at you for something as little as that, then who knows what all he’ll get mad at you for. You shouldn’t risk your happiness.”

“Alex, I'm a big girl. I can make decisions for myself. Thanks for being concerned though.” I patted his arm. Alex was such a cute brother; I knew he would always have my back if I needed him. I would always have his, too.

Around nine o’clock, Derek finally called me.


“Hey Marley. Um, can we talk?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“I’d rather do this face to face. Come outside.” And with that, he hung up.

I threw on some shoes and a hoodie. I snuck out of the house as quietly as I could. I was extremely glad that Mackenzie and James didn’t have one of those homes where an alarm beeped everytime you opened a window or door.

Derek was leaning against his car, waiting for me. His facial expression was a mixture of nervousness and ashamed. He didn’t notice I was outside so when I walked up next to him, he jumped.

“Hey.” I said quietly.

“Hey.” He whispered back.

“So what did you need to tell me?” I asked after a moment.

Derek rubbed the back of his neck. “Marley, I’ve been thinking. And I'm really sorry. It was stupid of me to get mad at you for something as stupid as that. This may sound kinda stupid, but I was jealous.”

I walked up to Derek and hugged him as tightly as I could without seriously hurting my
back. “Derek, you have nothing to be jealous of.” I whispered in his ear. I pulled back slightly so I could look him in the eyes. “Alex is my brother. Jeremy, John, and Eli are just losers. You’re the only one I think is hot.” I said, smirking at the last part.

Derek laughed. “Okay, good. I really am sorry Marley.”

“It's fine. I promise. Though I do know there is an away you can repay me.” I said with a smirk.

“What is that?” He asked, completely serious.

I leaned in, and whispered seductively, “Kiss me.”

Derek chuckled for a moment and then leaned in. He pressed his lips gently onto mine at first. I pressed my lips against his, deepening the kiss. He pulled away suddenly, “Did I repay you enough?”

“Hmm. Well, let me think about that. Nope.” I said laughing.

“Well then. I guess I'm going have to repay you some more.”

“Fine by me” I pressed my lips against his. I pulled away suddenly after a few minuets. “I have to go before I get caught! See you tomorrow.” I kissed him quickly one more time and then ran into the house, leaving him stunned.

“Looks like someone’s been sneaking out.” A very deep voice said to me when I walked into the house. I turned around slowly. Then I heard laughter.

“Alex! You loser! I almost crapped my pants, I thought you were James.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

“HA! You should have seen your face. Priceless!” Alex just kept on laughing. He fell on the floor clutching his sides.

“Keep on laughing and sooner or later your going to pee your pants.” I walked over to him and kicked him on his side. He stopped laughing and started gasping; I laughed and walked away.
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I posted this because Im really excited about the next chapter. Its probably on of my favorites.
Also, were getting close to the party of the strory where their will be A LOT of drama. I'm so excited! :D

comments/feedback. enjoy!