I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Meet the Family

Two Weeks Later: Friday

“My birthday is in two weeks!” I yelled when I sat down at the lunch table.

“Hey, is your birthday is in two weeks?” Jason asked. I leaned across Derek to punch him.

“It is in fact. That gives you two weeks to get me something.”

“What makes you think Im getting you something?”

“I just said you’re getting me something, so that means you are.”

“Well, that’s just too bad, because I don’t even really like you.”

“I love you too Jason.” I replied, sarcastic.

“Listen, Marley, I know you like me and all, but I just can’t do that. You’re with Derek, he’s my best friend. I'm sorry. Maybe once you guys break up…” Jason whispered acting like Derek wasn’t sitting right next to him.

“Ew, like I’d get with your nasty ass.” I pretended to puke in my mouth. Derek snickered, while Sarah and Kristin were full on laughing.

“Anyways, as I was saying, my birthday’s in two weeks,” I paused because I heard Jason mutter, ‘We know’ I glared at him and continued, “so I'm having a huge party.”

“Oooh. Where at?” Sarah asked.

“My house. I'm pretty sure James and Kenzie will be gone.”

“Awesome.” Kristin said excited.

I wasn’t really paying attention to a word Alex was saying on the way home. I was busy thinking.

Derek and I have been together for about a month. Being with him is amazing. We haven’t fought once, well, except that one fight. But that was water under the bridge. Derek is pretty much the best boyfriend ever. Not to brag or anything. Mackenzie and James haven’t really warmed up to him, but oh well. They’ll get over it.

I was kind of nervous about tonight though. I was finally meeting Derek’s family. Ive had boyfriends before, sure, but something felt different with him. I never felt nervous about meeting my previous boyfriends’ family, but here I was, extremely nervous.

“Move you nasty little skank.” I knew that voice. Skankface.

“Who the hell do you think you are? Telling me what to do in my house? What are you doing here anyways?”

“I'm here with my boyfriend.” She replied snobbish.

“EW! You’re dating Alex?!” Gross. Alex could do way better.

“No, Eli is my boyfriend.” Megan said in a voice that implied I should have known better.

I stared at her for a moment, and then blinked. I couldn’t control myself. I started laughing hysterically. Megan and Eli? That was just too much.

“What are you freaking laughing at?” Megan screeched.

I couldn’t even calm my self to answer her. I finally starting to calm down when Eli walked into the kitchen and that sent me into another round of hysterics. Upon his arrival, Hoe squealed and ran up to him, attaching her lips to his like a jellyfish. Seeing that made me want to throw up, but I just laughed harder. I walked to my room, on the verge of tears.

I was finally able to calm down enough to get ready. A chuckle would escape my lips every now and then. I took a quick shower; blows dried and straighten my hair. I chose simple black skinny jeans and a black shirt with a vest over it. I completed the outfit with a bright yellow scarf. I wanted to look nice, but not overly nice. I still wanted to be myself. I had just finished putting on my yellow Converse when the doorbell rang.

“Alex, I'm out. Be back whenever.” I barged into his room and yelled. Mackenzie and James weren’t home, shocker, so I was being a good sister and telling him I was leaving. He nodded and returned talking to Jeremy. John was playing Alex’s XBOX; Eli was cuddling on the couch with Megan. Seeing them two together made me start laughing again. Eli glared at me, but didn’t say anything. That surprised me, I figured he be like, ‘what the hell you laughing at?’ or something along those lines.

The doorbell rang again so I ran down the stairs, almost falling, to answer it. “Hey.” I rushed, out of breath.

Derek didn’t say anything, he just stared at me. I started to feel self-conscious. “Is something wrong with my outfit? I can change…”

“No,” he said, shaking his head, “You look beautiful.” I blushed slightly.

“Thanks, you look pretty dashing yourself.” He was in black jeans and a black button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Black can do wonders to this boy. I resisted the urge to drool; like I normally did when I looked at Derek.

“Well good, because that’s what I was going for. Dashing.” I laughed and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“So where we going?” I asked him when we get in his car.

“Some restaurant my parents love. We would go to my house, but its being retiled, so my mom doesn’t want you to see it all messy.” I laughed nervously. “You nervous?” Derek asked, guessing.

“A little.” I answered honestly.

“It will be alright. They’ll love you.” I just nodded. “Well, here we are.”

“Marley, this is my mom, dad, brother Seth, and my sister Cassi.” Derek’s mom, Debbie, had long, straight blond hair. Her eyes were a fierce gray; she was so pretty. Derek’s dad, Randy, had graying dark brown hair and midnight blue eyes, like Derek. Derek’s brother, Seth, had his dad’s dark brown hair and his mom’s grey eyes; he looked to be thirteen. Cassi, on the other hand, was a mix of both her parents. She had very light brown hair with the prettiest eyes I had ever seen. They were midnight blue around the pupil and grey on the outside. She looked to be about eight. Derek’s family was dressed nicely, but not snobby nicely. Cassi and Seth were both in skinny jeans; Debbie was in a pretty blouse and a pencil skirt, Randy was dressed in slacks and a button down.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. McGee, Seth, Cassi.” Derek pulled out my chair and I sat down, right next to Cassi.

“Oh honey, call us Debbie and Randy. Mr. and Mrs. is too formal.” Debbie said, she had a slight accent. I laughed and nodded.

“So Marley. What type of things do you enjoy doing?” Randy asked me after we ordered.

“Well, I play volleyball. And I like playing the guitar and piano.” The conversation flowed easily through out dinner. I didn’t know what I was so nervous about; Derek’s family was so nice.

“Bye Derek.” I whispered when we were at my house. I kissed him quickly and then ran into my house.
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aha. i like this chapter for some reason. i dont really like marley meeting derek's parents, but whatever.
