I Finally Got Adopted..Dang


As soon as I got over the shock, I went to my best friend Jess’s house. I had to tell her everything. I quickly ran to my black on black mustang, courtesy of my trust fund. I was only allowed fourty dollars a month for necessities. But when I turned sixteen, I was allowed to buy a car. I didn’t want a flashy new one, so I got an old vintage one and then had it fixed up. Sometimes I felt bad that I had a trust fund and was in the orphanage while everyone else had nothing. I told Molly this once and she told me that everyone could just shut up, because even if I had money, I was just like them, I didn’t have parents…

I walked into Jess’s house without knocking. I have been friends with her since I was five. When we were both ten, we tried to get her parents to adopt me. They said they would, but they had their hands full with Jess and her twin brothers. Her family was basically my second family, I was over at their house twenty four seven.

“Jess! We need to talk ASAP! Hey Mom and Dad!” I yelled. Jess’s parents both smiled at me.
I ran quickly upstairs. I burst into Jess’s bedroom. She was sitting on her bed, reading some magazine. Her dark brown hair with blue streaks was in a messy bun. She was still in her pjs.

“I have major news!”

“What? What happened?!” she looked up startled.

I ran to her bed and plopped down. I took a deep breath.

“I'm being adopted.” She blinked.


“I'm being adopted.”

“I heard you the first time. Who are they? What are they like? Where do they live?”

“Their names are Mackenzie and James Miller. Their like super rich, so they don’t just want me for my money, and they live in South Carolina.” It was silent for a moment. I noticed Jess was crying. I realized I was too.

“When do you leave?” she whispered.


“You’re staying with me tonight then.” I nodded.

“I have to pack and then I'll be back.” I ran up and hugged her.

I quickly packed my things and drove back to Jess’s house as soon as I could. She had already told her parents, so as soon as I walked inside, they hugged me. I would miss them so much.

We all spent the night hanging out, doing nothing in particular, and I was glad for that, I didn’t want to make a big deal of me leaving. Even Jared and Doug were there, normally they hated spending time with Jess and I; they were only a year younger than us. I didn’t sleep that well that night.

The next morning I said my good byes to everyone. I told Jess I would visit her as soon as I could. I saved saying good bye to Molly last. Even though we weren’t related, she was like a sister to me. She came to the orphanage a week after I did. We’ve been close ever since.

“Good bye Molly. I'll miss you so much.” I hugged her tightly.

“I'll miss you to Marls. Have fun in South Carolina.”

Mr. and Mrs. Miller were meeting at the airport at the Charleston airport. I was glad for this; it gave me plenty of time to think.

The flight from New York to Charleston was the longest flight ever. I was so nervous. What if they realized they didn’t like me once they actually got to know me?

“Marley, dear, how was your flight?” Mackenzie smiled at me sweetly.

“It was fine Mrs. Miller.”

“Oh, please, call me Kenzie.”

“And you can call me James.” I smiled.

The car ride to their house was semi-silent. We they asked about New York, my friends, random things.

“We’re so excited for you to live with us Marley. We’re sure you’ll get along fine with Alexander.” James told me as we pulled into the driveway. Their house was a huge brick house. They were definitely rich.

“Alexander? Whos Alexander?”

“Alexander is our son dear. Did we not tell you? He’s the same age you are.” Mackenzie said.

Alex’s POV!

Today was so boring. I was with Eli, John, and Jeremy, waiting for my parents to get back.

“Dude, where’s your parents and your sister?” Eli asked sarcastically.

“Like I know, they were supposed to be back a while ago.”

“So how old is this girl? Like five or something?” John asked.

“Um, no. Shes sixteen.” They all burst out laughing.

“What? Your parents adopted a sixteen year old? Why?” Jeremy asked in between laughing.

“Some really long reason that I didn’t pay attention to. But like apparently, she's rich or something.”

“An orphan that’s rich. That’s not weird.” John said.

“Her mom was a trust fund princess or something. And her dad was like in a band? I don’t know I didn’t pay attention.”

“I bet her dad did like jazz or something. Trust fund princess meets jazz man. I bet their daughter is like a nerd or something.” Eli rambled on.

“Maybe shes fat!” John shouted.

“Aw, poor Alex, he’s got himself a sister whos fat and ugly.” cooed Jeremy.

“Shut up guys! Just because shes my sister, and shes fat and ugly doesn’t mean ill have to
hang out with her.” I snapped at them.

Eli was about to say something when we heard the front door open. I heard my mom yelling for us to get down here.

“Great, lets go meet sister dearest.”

When we all got downstairs, it was just my parents standing there.

“Where’s she at?” I asked.

“What? Oh, she dropped her purse out side and she had to pick stuff up.” My mom said.

“Geek” John muttered. I tried not to laugh.

The front door opened then, and a girl with black hair that was in a pony tail walked in. She was tall, at least five eight. She had on bright blue skinny jeans, a black NYU t shirt, and red converse. The guys were just staring at her.

“Alex, Eli, John, Jeremy, this is Marley.” My dad said after a moment.

“Well, at least shes not fat and ugly.” Eli whispered.
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chapter 2! enjoy. feedbackk :)