I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Pedophile Socks, Jealousy, and Sudden Urges

Eli’s POV

“So what button do I press?” Marley asked for the thousandth time. We’ve been trying to get her understand Call of Duty: World at War for the last hour. She hasn’t grasped the concept of it.

“X! You freaking press the X button to shoot.” Jeremy yelled at her.

“Well excuse me for not being a nerd and play XBOX twenty-four seven!” Marley shot back.

“We’re not nerds! And we don’t play twenty-four seven.” John yelled. He always got so offensive about his gaming.

It was semi-boring all of us playing while teaching Marley how to play. The only reason it wasn’t was because I was around her. Stop! Seriously Eli you need to quit sounding like a love struck teenager…

“Look, I just killed that dude!” Marley yelled.

“No you didn’t. I did.” I told her. She let out a cry of disappointment. ‘This game is lame’ She muttered. I chuckled. She glared at me and then just started pressing random buttons.

“What the hell? Why did you just shoot me?” A voice rang out of the headset. Alex started to talk into it when Marley stole it from me.

“Sorry! I’m new at this game, I suck.” She said.

“Oh damn, a girl. You sound hot. It’s all good, you can shoot me anytime.” Shoot’emdead43 said. A pang of jealousy ran through me. Then I thought about it; what am I doing being jealous over a video gamer?

Marley burst out laughing. “Please. What are you? An acne face geek? I bet you have broken glasses and wear high waters and suspenders. And I bet you wear some pedophile socks!”

“Girl, you don’t know who you’re talking to. I’m a six five god with abs.”

“Then what are you doing on a Friday night playing a video game?” Marley had long abandoned the game and was just talking to Shoot’emdead43.

“You’re at home on a Friday night playing a video game.” He pointed out.

“Touché. But unlike you, I’m smoking hot.” She said with a laugh. She was hot…

“I bet you are. Your voice…” his voice was cut off by Marley ripping out the headset. “This is boring. I don’t want to be stalked by creepers.”

“Why don’t we play Guitar Hero?” Alex suggested. Maybe she would be good at Guitar Hero. After all, she does play the guitar…

“Ugh! Eli how are you so good at this game?” Marley yelled at me. It was just me and her playing; Alex, John, and Jeremy were getting something to eat. She made me stay with her to help her. She sucked; her highest note streak was around ten.

“I’m just amazing. I don’t understand how someone so good at the guitar sucks at Guitar Hero.” I snickered.

“I don’t have very good hand-eye coronation.” She muttered.

“Are you serious? I would have never noticed.” She stopped playing to punch me. It hurt a little.

“This is gay. I quit.” Marley tried to throw the guitar, but it was on a strap so it just bounced right back and hit her in the side. I never laughed so hard in my life; I fell to the floor. “Shut up! That wasn’t funny!”

“Yes…it…was!” I said in between laughing. She went to kick me in the side, but I dodged it. That caught her off balance and she fell on top of me with an ‘ompf!’ I stop laughing. Marley made no motion to get up. I lay there, staring into her eyes that were green today. She stared right back. Her black, wavy hair hung in front of her face. She was so beautiful. Out of a sudden urge I leaned in to kiss her. She looked like she was leaning in too, but then suddenly she got off of me.

“Um, I’ve have to go.” She said running out of the door.

Well crap, I just blew that.
♠ ♠ ♠

I need people's help: I need some truth or dare questions, for both truth AND dares. You'll see why in the future.
Also, apparently, my story has something in it that does not follow the guidelines? If any one thinks they know what it might be, let me know. I went back and fixed everything that I thought could be wrong, but you never know. Thanks. :)

I also realize that the title of the chapter is weird. ;)