I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

The Friend Zone

Marley POV!

I booked it out of Alex’s room as fast as I could. What was that? Did Eli almost kiss me? I thought he was kidding about earlier; him wanting to get with me. He said it in a joking tone, I think. And what was up with me leaning in too? Was I seriously going to kiss him? I have a boyfriend.

Thinking of Derek made a wave of guilt wash over me. Why was I feeling guilty? Nothing happened. So why was I feeling so guilty. It’s not like I liked him or anything…Oh shit. Was I beginning to like Eli?

I tried to avoid Eli for the rest of the night as much as possible. It was hard considering he was staying at my house. I didn’t like him, I didn’t. Sure he was cute, and muscular, and funny, sometimes…ugh! Marley, stop thinking like that. You do not like him!

“Hey Marley, were going to watch a movie. You want join us?” Jeremy walked into my room.

“No I don’t!” I yelled, completely startled.

“Okay, dang, I was just asking.” Jeremy backed out of my room slowly. I just huffed. I needed
something to occupy my mind so I walked down to the music room. I don’t know how long I sat there and played the piano. Playing the piano always relaxes me. It also reminds me of my parents. I missed them so much. My life has been completely different since they died.

“Are you okay?” Eli whispered, sitting next to me on the piano bench.

I quickly wiped my eyes, making sure there were no tears. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. I can tell.” He continued to whisper.

“I didn’t know you were Dr. Phil now.” I snapped on him.

Eli shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not, I can just tell your upset.” Eli was still whispering.

I turned to look at him. He was gazing at me sincerely. “Eli, why are you whispering?” I asked him, whispering.

“It’s so the ghost don’t know were here. This house is haunted you know.” Eli’s eyes got really big; like he was trying to look serious. It wasn’t convincing.

“Oh my god. Really?” I asked, faking curiosity.

“Dead serious.” I just laughed at him. He laughed along with me.

I suddenly stopped laughing. “I miss my parents.” I whispered. Eli stopped laughing. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked me.

“No, not really.” Eli didn’t say anything. He just let me sit there and cry. I was completely grateful that he wasn’t asking questions. At one point he patted my arm in a comforting way. It made me laugh and cry harder at he same time.

When I was finally done crying, Eli was still sitting there with me; I was shocked. That made me start crying all over again. Then I did some thing that surprised us both. I hugged him, and I didn’t let go.

“Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder Eli.” I whispered in his ear. I finally pulled away from Eli after I cried my eyes out.

“It’s not a problem. I didn’t really like this shirt anyways.” He laughed and pointed to the tear stain I left on his shoulder.

“Yeah, sorry about that. That shirt was ugly anyway.” I imitated his smirk. I seemed to doing that a lot lately.

“My mom got me this shirt!” He yelled. I tried my hardest not to laugh, it was hard. A few giggles escaped my lips. Finally I couldn’t help it; I had to laugh at him.

“Aw, does Eli’s mommy still dress him?” I cooed.

“No, she does not. She just buys my clothes. I get to choose what I wear everyday. And if it doesn’t meet her approval, then I have to change.” He muttered the last part. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life.

“Eli, you sure can cheer me up. Thanks. I never thought I’d say this, but you’re a really good friend.” I told him after we both finished laughing. I was being completely honest with him. Maybe those feelings I felt earlier were just a sign. That we were supposed to be friends. I didn’t like him like him; I just needed to be friends with him.

Eli looked pained by something I said. I was about to ask him about it when his facial expressions cleared. “It’s not a problem Marley.” He walked out of the room without another word.


What the hell? I’m in the freaking friend zone.
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oh, and enjoy. :)