I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Mackenzie say what?

“Hey Kenzie, is it cool if I have a party in two weeks for my birthday?” I asked the next morning. It was way too early; I looked like crap, but I needed to make sure it was cool with her. If she said no, I was just going to throw a party anyway.

“Yeah sure, that’s fine. I figured you were going to throw one anyways. Just make sure you’re free for next weekend. Our annual camping trip is next weekend.”

“Thank you! And that’s cool…wait what?” Did she say camping?

“Our annual camping trip with the Marshalls, the Tuckers, and the Reels is next weekend.”


“Marley, really some times it’s like you never pay attention, Eli, John, and Jeremy’s families.”

“You guys go camping every year?” I couldn’t picture Mackenzie in a tent, let alone outside.

“Well, I have to admit, were not in a tent or anything. But we go to our lake house and all stay there for the weekend.” That was more like them.

“Oh, well okay then. I’ll make sure I’m free.” I headed upstairs to fall back asleep. I couldn’t fall asleep though, so I barged into Alex’s room.

“Hey, Alex, guys. Do you all really go camping every year?” I asked him.

“Yeah, it’s not like ‘let’s go out in wildernesses.”

“So what do you do?”

Alex shrugged. “Basically what we do here. The parents do what they want and we do what we want.”

“Oh, well that’s cool, I guess.”

“Hey Marls, you want hang this weekend?” Sarah and Kristin asked me at the same time after school the next Friday.

“I would love to. But I can’t. Apparently every year all of Mackenzie and James’ friends go camping.”

“Camping, as in outdoors?” Sarah asked in the same tone that I had when Mackenzie told me.

“Yeah, I know. I had that reaction too. But it’s not with tents or anything. They have a lake house or something that they go to every year. Shoot me now.” I said.

“Ha. That sucks. Are you still having your party next weekend?” Kristin asked. Of course she would be worried about the party.

“Of course, ‘Im only going “camping” because I figured if I didn’t, Kenzie wouldn’t let me have the party.”

“We like the way you think.” They said together.

“Finally! Marley, I told you to be home right after school.” Mackenzie said when I walked into the house. Everyone was standing in the living room. There were three couples that I vaguely recognized. The only reason I was able to tell Eli’s parents from the other two was because of their black hair. The other two couple had blond hair, so I couldn’t tell if they were John’s or Jeremy’s parents.

“You did?”

“Yes, I did, this morning. Were you not listening? Are you at least packed?”

“I wasn’t really paying attention. So, no, on both of those questions.” I said sheepishly.

Mackenzie muttered something; while the boys snickered, before answering, “Well, hurry up and pack.”

I quickly ran upstairs before she could say anything else. I began throwing random clothing into my bag. When I had everything I was going to take, I headed back downstairs.

“Where’d the parents go?” I asked; it was just Alex, Eli, Jeremy, and John.

“They left. They got tired of waiting for you.” Alex answered me. I nodded my head. The front door open and every one turned to look to see who it was. I groaned

“Please tell me she’s not coming too?”

“Oh course not Marley. I'm just here to tell my boyfriend good bye.” Hoe answered in that fake voice of hers. I thanked the stars that she wasn’t coming. She squealed and attached herself to Eli, I gagged. Megan had been at our house every single day this week; I was getting sick of seeing her face. Every time Eli was around, she was completely fake to me. When he wasn’t around, she was her usual whoreish self.

“Dude, we have to go if we want to make it there today.” Alex said after a few minuets. Megan tore herself from Eli and we were out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and sweet.
Well, probably not. it's just a filler, but whatever. I'd still appreciate comments!

Oh, and a huge thanks to cherry_lip_gloss for helping with the last names. I only used one, tucker, but still, it helped a lot. Thanks again! :)
