I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Matchy Matchy

“Please change the station!” I asked for the one hundredth time. We were currently listening to rap. “Marley, this is my car, my radio station.” Alex repeated.

“Since when do you like rap?” I was convinced he had it on rap just to annoy me. It was working.

“I’ve liked rap since this morning.” I growled. I would have changed the station but I was in between Jeremy and Eli in the back seat, and every time I moved to change it, they would slap me. I fidgeted for two seconds when Eli grabbed my hand.

“Can I not fidget now?” I asked completely annoyed.

“Oh, sorry, I thought you were going to change the station.”

“Well I wasn’t. Can you let go of my hand now?” He looked down at our hands then let go.

Someone, either Jeremy or John, snickered. “Are we there yet?” I asked.

“We’ll be there in like ten minuets.” John answered me.

“No, you stupid, we’re here.” Alex stated. I looked out the window at the lake house. The house was beautiful; it looked like a log cabin. It had at least three stories with a wrap around porch. The shutters were painted black and there was a swing over to the left of the house. I could see the lake in the backyard. “Wow.” I muttered.

We all got out of the car and went into the house. The boys led the way to the bedrooms. They were all on the second floor; the parents’ rooms were on the third floor. Each one of us had our own rooms, I was glad. I couldn’t imagine having to share a room with all the boys. I had just finished putting away my things when Alex barged into the room with Eli, John and Jeremy behind him.

“Hurry up and get your swimming suit on, were going out on the boat.” Alex rushed then left. Well okay then.

I quickly threw on a swim suit and shorts, put my hair in a ponytail, grabbed some shades and was out the door.

The boys were waiting for me in the living room. They all had on coordinating swimsuits; they were all some color of blue, I snickered. “Looks like some people like to match.”

“It’s not our fault you didn’t get the memo.” John snapped.

“Well excuse me if I don’t want to wear a blue swimming suit.” I had on a lime green swimming suit.

“Damn.” I muttered when I saw our boat. Our boat was one of those incredible looking ones. It just screamed fast boat. The paint was white with sparkling yellow stripes. It was huge, and intimidating.

“Pretty cool, huh?” Alex asked. I just nodded. “Well let’s go!” Alex yelled, running to the boat.

When the boys got onto the boat, they immediately threw off their shirts. ‘Oh my dang’ I thought. Each one of them had a six pack. I wasn’t really paying attention to Alex because that would be like incest, and that’s not the best. I tried my hardest not to stare, particularly at Eli, but it was hard. Luckily someone dropped something and that snapped me out of my daze. I ran to the radio to distract myself. I put in a McFLY CD which I conveniently brought. One For The Radio came on first, I turned the volume up all the way.
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Another short one, another filler type thing.. Also, no offense to rap lovers!
If anyone has any ideas for birthday presents for the party coming up, that would be great if you told me them ;) If there is a certian person the present is from, that's fine too. :)

Oh, and I had to slip McFLY into this chapter; what kind of fan am I if I didn't? I haven't mentioned them once. :(