I Finally Got Adopted..Dang


Tony’s was the fanciest restaurant I had ever been in. They actually checked you at the front door to make sure you were dressed nice enough. The host barely checked over our party, in fact, he knew us by name. “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Tucker, Marshall, and Reels. Your table is right this way.” Apparently, we were regulars at this restaurant.

As the host led us to our table, people were saying ‘hi’ to the adults left and right. I thought we would never get to our table, but we finally did. The table was a huge circle; the parents sat on one side, the kids on the other. I made sure to sit by my “date.” Alex scowled at me when I sat next to him. “Date, don’t embarrass us in front of all these people.” I told him sternly, Alex just glared.

“You’re so annoying Marley.” Alex said to me after we had ordered our drinks. When I asked the waiter for a gin and tonic, his face turned bright red and he began to stutter, not knowing what to say to me. I found this hilarious, apparently, Mackenzie didn’t. She glared at me sternly.

“How am I annoying?”

“You just are.”

“Great comeback Alex,” I said, laughing at him.

“Shut up,” he muttered under his breath. I was about to reply when something small and wet hit me right in the middle of the forehead. I went to feel whatever it was slowly; I pulled off a small, wet paper ball, a spit ball. I looked up in disgust at the boys. Each one of them was acting like they didn’t even notice that I was holding a spit ball. I immediately knew it was John who spit the paper at my by his facial expression. His body was shacking ever so slightly, and his lips were pressed in a hard, straight line. I nonchalantly rolled up the paper on my straw and put it in my mouth. When I found it wet enough, I secretly put it in the straw. I looked to my left at the parents to make sure they weren’t paying attention, and aimed the straw at John. My aim sucks, so instead of hitting John, it hit the blond woman in the gold dress sitting next to him. My mouth dropped open, so did everyone else’s. The woman turned slowly as she wiped the spit ball off her cheek.

“Who spit this?” She asked slowly and angrily. Every single one of us pointed to Eli. He looked completely shocked, and scared.

“What? It wasn’t…”

Eli’s mother interrupted him. “Eli Michael Tucker, you apologize right now,” she said harshly.

Eli’s cheeks burned red as he apologized. “I’m sorry I hit you with a spit wad Mrs. Reels.” So the woman was John’s mother. Now that I looked closely, I could see the resemblance.
They both had the same curly blond hair and grey eyes. Once Mrs. Reels nodded, the parents returned to their conversation. Eli leaned to whisper into my ear, “You owe me, big time,” he whispered angrily.

Eli hasn’t said a word to me since diner. Of course, I was used to him ignoring me all the time. It seemed that everyday, he got mad at me for something. I was beginning to wonder why that was, but I just shrugged it off.

Around ten thirty, someone knocked on my door, and then walked in. “What’s up Eli?”

“I figured out a way you can repay me,” he said evilly, “come outside on the deck, now.” Oh crap, this can’t be good.
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I need some comments. It would make my day...;)