I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Lick Your Wenis

“We’re going to be playing a game of Truth or Dare.” Eli said to me as I walked outside. All four of the boys were sitting in a circle on the deck, each once of them grinning evilly, uh-oh. I sat down slowly between John and Jeremy.

“Okay, so how does this involve me owing you?” I asked, confused.

“That’s what your payment is, Truth or Dare.” Suddenly I realized that the questions would be what the payment was. Eli was going to make both the truth and dare questions extremely hard or embarrassing, or both. What was even worse was that he got Alex, John, and Jeremy in on it too. “Do I have to play?” I asked, not bothering to hide my resentment.

“Yes,” they all answered together, I groaned. “Okay then, who’s going first?”

“You are,” they answered in union again, I groaned yet again. John asked me first, “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” better start this game off easy.

John nodded, “Okay, we’ll start off easy,” he said, like he was reading my mind, “Have you and your said boyfriend kissed?”

I stared at him like the idiot he was. What kind of question was that? “Yes John, my said boyfriend and I have kissed.” John murmured interesting before I shouted, “My turn!” Each one of them looked expectantly at me. “Jeremy, Truth or Dare?” I asked after I choose who I was going to ask my question.

“Truth,” he said after a moment of hesitation.

“Okay, let’s see, what should your truth be?” I said to him, thinking it over, “Have you ever had sexual feelings towards a man?” I asked him randomly. He gave me one of the worst looks ever. It was a mixture of disgust, shocked, and stupidity, which was probably aimed towards me.

“No Marley, I have never felt sexual feelings towards a man.”

“Well I was just wondering. Sometimes when I’m around you, my gaydar goes off.” I tried to say that as serious as I could, but of course that didn’t happen. I burst out laughing as soon as Jeremy narrowed his eyes. I believe he muttered something along the lines of, ‘Sometimes I hate you.’

“Alright, it’s my turn,” Jeremy said after I finally stopped laughing, “Alex, Truth or Dare?”

Alex thought this over for a moment, “Dare,” he said confidently. Alex was living large, he was the first one to choose dare.

Jeremy grinned hugely; he was probably going to take out his anger from my sarcastic remark on Alex. “I dare you to lick your wenis.” Well that was stupider than I thought it was going to be.

“Lick my what?” Alex asked; I snickered along with Eli and John.

“Dude! Your wenis, it’s the skin on your elbow.” Alex tried, and failed. On his first attempt, he put his arm over his head and tried to lick his elbow, no luck. Next, he tried bending his arm and licking his elbow that way, it didn’t work. After a few more failed attempts, he finally gave up. “This is stupid, I can’t lick my wenis,” he muttered.

“Aw, man, that sucks. I guess that means your going to have to chug this.” Eli said, pulling out a shot glass, filled to the brim with a reddish brown colored liquid, out of thin air. I didn’t know we were playing Truth or Dare with a twist.

“What is it?” Alex asked wearily.

“We can’t tell you, or we’d have to kill you. Just drink it.” John told him. Alex grabbed the shot glass and chugged it quickly, just to get it over with. His face puckered up and he started chocking. “Sick, what is that?”

“Tequila, tomato juice, pineapple juice, rum, and hot sauce.” Jeremy said matter-of-factly. I puked in my mouth just thinking about it. Poor Alex; I hoped I wouldn’t have to drink that mixture. Alex immediately started spitting on the ground, trying to get the taste out of his mouth. I didn’t think it was working.

When Alex gave up on trying to get the taste from his mouth, he turned to Eli, “Eli, Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” Eli answered simply.

Alex smirked, “Do you like anyone sitting on this deck? Like them, like them?”

If I thought the look Jeremy gave me earlier was bad, the look Eli gave Alex was five million times ten to the twenty-third worse. If looks could kill, Alex would long be dead. I didn’t think Eli was going to answer him, but he did. “No, do you see my girlfriend out here?” Alex looked at Eli skeptically, but didn’t say anything. Eli asked John whether he wanted truth or dare, he chose dare, Eli just made him hump something, how boring. After John completed his dare, he turned onto me. “Marley, Truth or Dare?”

Me being the brave person I was, chose dare, how stupid of me. I immediately knew this was going to be bad, just by the way John smiled. “I dare you to kiss Eli, on the mouth.” I didn’t even try to hide my shocked expression, neither did Eli. Actually, Eli’s face was a mixture of shock and hatred. Something about the dare I was given made John, Jeremy and Alex crack up laughing. “I have a boyfriend,” I told them all flatly.

“So? You said dare, now complete it.” I was about protest when John waved the shot glass, which was now full, under my nose. The smell was unbearable, I couldn’t imagine drinking it. I death stared him before crawled over to Eli, grabbed his face, and kissed him on the mouth.
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I would like to thank RAWR!MAN!RAWR for the wonderful truth or dare questions. I used almost all of them. :)

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