I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Meet John, future sex offender

I made sure to be inconspicuous when I put my thumbs over Eli’s mouth. That’s why I grabbed his face, so none of the other boys could tell that I didn’t really kiss him.

“So Eli, is Marley a good kisser?” John asked, laughing. Eli was about to answer when I sent him a look that said, ‘Say anything, and I’ll punch you in the balls,’ or something along those lines. He obviously got the message, though, because he just shrugged his shoulders. As soon as dumb, dumb, and dumber finished laughing, I asked Alex Truth or Dare. He chose dare, again.

“I dare you to drink three shot glasses, filled to the brim, of whatever that mixture is called.” Alex’s face puckered up and he started to protest. While he was protesting, John shouted, “It’s called John Reels special drink.” Alex gave in and downed the shot glasses faster than I thought possible. As soon as the third glass was down his throat, he immediately started throwing up. I had to look away it was so gross.

When Alex finished throwing up, he ran inside the house to get a glass of water. When he came back, he glared at me, and then asked Jeremy Truth or Dare. I didn’t really pay attention. I groaned though when John asked me whether I wanted t or d. Once again, I chose dare. In my opinion, truths were too boring.

“I dare you to take your top off.” He said, without a moment’s hesitation. Stupid pervert, he would say something like this. “You can leave your bra on, since your brother is sitting right next to me.”

“You’ve seen me in a swimming suit, that’s like the same as taking my top off.” I pointed out.

“Fine, then I dare you to streak down the driveway and back.” John is going to be a sex offender when he grows up.

“I change my mind; I’ll just take my top off.” John shook his head evilly.

“Nope, I like the second dare better. Whenever you’re ready…unless you want to drink John Reels special drink?” I weighted my options; option A: streak. Option B: drink the special drink. I didn’t want to either of them. I thought drinking the special drink would be worse, since I have a weak stomach.

“Fine, I chose streaking.” I hissed at him, his grin just got bigger. Alex had the good grace to look away while I took off my clothes; he was such a good brother. I took off my shirt and shorts first. Once they were off, John nodded for me to continue. I flipped him off and unhooked my bra, then slid off my underwear. Every eye, except Alex’s, because he wasn’t looking, widened and were on me. I began walking down the driveway, ignoring the eyes that were burning holes into my back. When I got back to the deck, I threw my clothes on and sat down.

“I hope you enjoyed that, asshole.” I hissed at John. He was happy, in more ways than one.

“Oh, believe me, I did.” It was a becoming a reflex to punch him, I did it automatically.

“Alright, pedophile, it’s your turn. Truth or dare?”

“Truth.” John was smart, but not smart enough.

“Is it true that you’re going to be a sex offender when you get older?”

John looked utterly confused. “What? No, I’m not going to be a sex offender.”

“Oh John, now you know better than to lie in truth or dare. Now you have to drink your own special drink.”

“No I don’t, that’s stupid!” John began scooting away from the shot glass, but I just followed him. Eventually he got up and started running. I ran after him as fast as I could without spilling the drink. I chased him all over the yard. When he was in the front yard, he made a sharp left, causing me to make a sharp left, which in turn, made me spill the special drink, all down the front of my shirt. I cried out in anger. John had stopped running because he was laughing so hard. He walked up to me, sniffed, and then started laughing again. “You smell,” he said in between laughs. I threw the shot glass at him but missed. I cried out in anger again, but then I just headed back inside to take a long, hot shower.
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Thanks again RAWR!MAN!RAWR for the truth or dare questions! :)

Oh, if you like Eli, and are upset that Marley didn't really kiss him, do NOT unsubscribe. The story is not even close to being over.

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