I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

It's My Party I Can Cry if I Want To

“Jess! You better still be coming to my party!” I called Jess as soon as dinner was over. I thought dinner was going to be awkward, since Eli barged in on me and Derek making out, but it wasn’t. I was glad Jeremy or Alex, or worse, John didn’t walk in, they would have immediately known I didn’t kiss Eli. They would probably tell Derek about the dare, too. I did catch Eli giving me weird looks every so often…

“Are you stupid? I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I miss you so much,” Jess shouted.

“Aw, I miss you too! What’s new?” Jess and I sat there talking for hours. I was so excited that my party was in five days.

“So what’s all going down at your party?” Sarah asked me Thursday night. She and Kristin were both at my house; we were going over last minuet details of my party.

“Well, it’s going to be a pretty simple party. I was going to hire a DJ, but then decided not to. I don’t want my party to be over the top, I just want it to be fun. Oh, and I got glow sticks! How fun are they? We can turn off the lights, put a strobe light on, and party!” I said excitedly.

Kristin looked over both her shoulders, leaned in, and whispered, “Is there going to be alcohol?”

I smirked at her; she would ask a question like that. “Yes Kristin, there is going to be some alcohol there. Not a lot, but enough. I don’t want people passing out all over my house.”

“How are you getting it without Mackenzie knowing?” Sarah asked.

“Alex said for my birthday present, he’ll supply the booze.” I told them, boredom in my voice. They both nodded their heads.

“Who all did you invite?” Kristin asked after a few minuets of her being thoughtful. She was probably thinking about the alcohol.

I shrugged my shoulders, “I just told anyone and everyone that they could come if they wanted.”

“When is Jess flying in?”

“As soon as school lets out, I’m picking her up from the airport.” They both nodded their heads. “You guys can stay here tomorrow after the party. I’m sure Alex’s friends will, and I’m going to tell Derek and Jason they can too.”

“Awesome,” they did that freaky twin thing and it said together.

Friday, October 23, was the slowest day of my life. School went by slower and slower each minuet. By sixth hour, I was so agitated that I would snap at anyone that would talk to me. When the bell finally rang, I was out of my chair before anyone blinked. I quickly ran to my locker, threw my books in, and waited for Derek. I tapped my foot impatiently as he walked slowly from the East building. When he finally made his appearance at my locker, I gave him a quick kiss, muttered a goodbye, and left him standing there. He was probably going to get mad at me, but I didn’t care. It was my birthday; I can do what I want. I could probably cry if I wanted to, too.

Jess’ flight had an hour delay. To waste time, I walked around in the gift shop section of the airport aimlessly. I had just bought myself a Frappuccino from Starbucks when the intercom announced that the 120 Flight from New York would be arriving shortly. I briskly walked back to Jess’ terminal, pushing past people.

Jess was the first person out of the gate. Her once long, black hair with blue highlights was now shoulder length with choppy layers. Jess was in her normal clothing: extremely ripped up jeans, an old band tee, and Vans. She was looking around the terminal, probably looking for me. Her sky blue eyes were glazed over like they always were when she just woke up. “Jess,” I shouted. She immediately turned her head, saw me, screamed, and then ran over to me.

“Marley,” she yelled, dropping her bags in the middle of the floor. People huffed at her, but she didn’t care. She continued running towards me. Once Jess finally reached me, she hugged me as tight as she could. “Happy birthday hoe! How old are you now, sixty-five?”

I laughed, pulling away. “Yeah, I am. I can apply for Medicare now!” We walked slowly to my car, just talking about everything. Once we finally got to my car, Jess immediately turned the radio up all the way. Older people were death staring us as we pulled out of the parking lot, Jess just made faces at them. It was times like these that I missed being with Jess every single day.
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boring boring boring. sorry!

anyways, comments. :D