I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Let's Party!

“Marley, what are you wearing to your party?” I turned to look at Jess. She was in a black dress that had low cut top and short skirt. The skirt ruffled and was covered in lace and had long, black bows over the lace. Underneath her dress, she had on bright yellow tights and bright purple heels. Her hair was straightened and teased, going in every direction. Jess’ eyes were rimed with black eyeliner, her eyelids were bubble gum pink mixed with yellow. One thing was for sure, Jess could be very colorful when she wanted to be.

“Ugh, I have no clue. You look all cute and dressed up. I don’t want to be that dressed up!” I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

“Marley, you can be so dumb sometimes. It’s your freaking party, you can wear whatever you want,” Jess told me, her voice dripping with boredom. I glared at her and went into my closet. After some decision, I finally chose an outfit. I threw on the black skinny jeans and tank top, which was V-necked, turquoise, and zebra print. I went slipped on black Converse, and went back into my room. “How’s this?” I asked Jess. She glanced at me for a second, shook her head, and clicked her tongue, “I suppose you’ll do, if you want to look like white-trash.”

“Shut up bitch,” I said, throwing the nearest object at her, which was a hair brush. Jess dodged it easily, laughing.

“Ha, I’m kidding. You look fine.” I flipped her off and then began working on my hair. I decided I didn’t want it to be over the top, so I just straightened it. I checked the clock, it read seven thirty. I quickly put on some eyeliner and mascara.

“Yo, birthday girl, I got your birthday present. It’s all the alcohol you can drink,” Alex said, barging into my room. He was about to say something else when he noticed Jess. Alex stared at her, open mouthed. When Jess finally noticed she was being stared at, she looked up from the magazine she was reading and gave Alex a weird look. “You got a staring problem or something?” Jess asked bluntly.

“Uh,” Alex started, clearing his throat, “No, I don’t.” Jess just laughed him, Alex blushed. I noticed the awkwardness and quickly introduced them, “Jess Alex. Alex Jess.” Alex nodded, and then left the room quickly.

“What’s up with him?” Jess asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know, he’s weird.” She nodded, snickering. “Oh well, let’s party!” Jess jumped off my bed, and ran out the room. I laughed, following her out the door.
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haa, sike.
the party isn't 'til next chapter. ;)

they make my day.