I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Yay for Glowsticks!

The party was in full swing. The music was loud, the people were dancing. I didn’t really know half of the people, but that was okay. I had so many people telling me happy birthday that I lost track.

“Here’s your drink babe,” I winced at the word babe. I hated being called babe or baby, but since it was Derek, I let it slide.

“Thanks,” I murmured, turning to look at Derek. He was dressed in simple jeans and a band tee, but he still looked amazing. His blond hair was straight; it hung in his dark blue eyes. His silver lip ring glistened in the lighting from the strobe lights. “How do you like your party so far?”

I shrugged my shoulders, trying to be casual, “Oh, you know, amazing.”

Derek nodded, smiling. “I just wanted to let you know that you’ll be getting your birthday present next weekend.” I shook my head, took a sip of my drink, and then answered him.

“Derek, you didn’t have to get me anything.”

“I know, but I did anyways.” I smiled at him before I kissed him.

“Quit sucking face and let’s dance!” I didn’t have to look to know that it was Jess yelling. I flipped her off before turning to look at her. Jess was covered head to toe in glow sticks. Kristin and Sarah were standing behind her, grinning. They had glow sticks themselves, but not as many as Jess. Both Kristin and Sarah had on a jean skirt, tights, and a sparkling top. Sarah’s tights were neon green and she had on a black top. Kristin had on black tights and a neon green top. Their hair was curled to perfection. The twins were always color coordinated. I kissed Derek quickly, and then ran up to the three of them. Jess threw glow sticks at me, which I caught. I slapped the glow sticks on and worked my way to the dance floor.

I was taking a much needed drink break when Eli walked up to me. “Hey Marley, can I talk to you for a second?”

I looked at him from above my drink. His thick, black hair was going in every direction, like it usually was. His celery green eyes had an eerie glow in the poor lighting. Eli wore a striped, green button up that matched his eyes; the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. Chills ran through my body as I looked at Eli. I quickly dismissed the chills and nodded at him. I followed Eli to the corner of the room, where no one was standing, or dancing.

When we got to the corner, Eli looked around before fiddling with his pocket. I didn’t say anything to him; I figured he would say what he needed to say. All of a sudden, Eli stopped fiddling with his pocket and pulled out a small, silver box. He handed it to me wordlessly. I inspected the box more closely; it was wrapped in shiny, silver paper with a blue bow on it. I looked up at Eli with a confused expression. He mouthed the words ‘open it’; I did as I was told. Inside was a long, thin, dark leather strap with a guitar pick in the middle. Inscribed on the pick was my name, in cursive writing. “Happy birthday,” Eli whispered.

I looked up at him with wide eyes. “Eli, it’s beautiful. You didn’t have to get me this.”

Eli shrugged his shoulders, “It’s not a big deal. I figured you would like it, so I got it for you.” I stared at Eli in silence. Slowly, I stepped closer to him. Even slower, I snaked my arms around him. Eli just stood there, in shock. Then finally, he wrapped his arms around me. “Thank you so much Eli.”
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Okay, so here's the deal.
The party is NOT over. BUT, I will not be able to update until late Sunday. I am going to be super busy this weekend.
If I get A LOT of comments, I will try to update tomorrow, but it will be really late.