I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

First Night

I was forced to sit by Alex and Eli. I think I saw disappointment in Eli’s eyes when I came downstairs without the boxer shorts on. He must have been really stupid if he thought I was wearing them to dinner.

“Oh, Marley, I forgot to tell you, your car should be here tomorrow.” James said to me.

“You have a car?” Alex asked, like it was hard to believe I had a car.

“Um, yeah?” Was it that hard to believe I had a car? I am sixteen.

“What kind?” the blond boy with the straight hair asked me.

I sighed. “It’s a black ’76 Mustang Cobra II.” Every single boy looked shocked, well, James didn’t, he already knew what type of car I had.

“What? But you’re a girl! Shouldn’t you like have a girly car or something?!” The boy with the curly blond hair shouted.

I smirked; I got this reaction a lot when it came to my car. “I'm a girl? Really? Thanks for telling me. And I got the car because I liked it.”

“Couldn’t you find a girly car or something? Why’d you choose a Cobra II?” Eli asked.

I sighed again, I’ve told this story so many times to the boys back home. “If you all must know, I got the car because it was my dads. After he died, it was sold. When I turned sixteen, I found the person who bought it, bought it from them, and then fixed it up. And I didn’t choose a girly car because I don’t like girly cars.”

“Oh” Eli whispered. It was silent. Mackenzie quickly changed the subject.

“So, boys, how’s soccer going?”

“Fine.” They all answered together. I knew they were all jocks. Dinner went by quickly. Mackenzie and I went out to look for new paint; I chose five different colors: bright green, bright blue, bright purple, bright yellow and bright orange. She said the painters were coming tomorrow; I told her that wasn’t necessary, I could paint.

“Okay, well, then we’ll paint together. Give us a chance to talk.”

“Okay Mackenzie and thanks.” I said, hugging her. She and James pretty much let me do my own thing after that. I was about to get out my guitar when I remember I hadn’t called Jess. I quickly ran to get my phone. Dang, no service. I pretty much roamed the halls looking for service. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going when I bumped into someone.

“Opps, sorry.” I looked up, “Hey Alex, where can I get service?”

“This house is in the middle of no where, you can get service in some places sometimes, but the only place you can always get service is my room and outside all the way by the pool.”

“Oh, well do you mind if I go into your room to call someone?” There was no way in hell I was going outside.

“Well, I don’t know, I mean, it is my room.” He said smirking. What’s up with guys and smirks?

“Oh come on! I'm not going outside!” I started to pout. He just laughed.

“Yeah, sure whatever just don’t make this a habit.”


It turns out his room was right across from mine. I went in and flopped on his bed, to bad I landed on someone. Eli.

“Ow! That hurt!”

“Oh shut up, I'm sure it didn’t” I said laughing. I dialed Jess’s number, she answered almost immediately.

“What the hell Marls, why haven’t you called me?!” she tried to sound mad, but I knew she wasn’t.

“Sorry! I completely forgot.”

“Yeah, well whatever. So how is it?”

“It's alright. My room was pink, but that’s quickly being changed.” She laughed.

“What else has happened? I'm sure your room being pink is not what’s caused you to forget to call me.”

“Oh! Well...” I realized I had an audience. Jeremy and John had walked in; I still didn’t know who was who; and they were all staring at me. Have they not seen someone talk on the phone? “I gotta call you back. I promise.”

“Ugh, whatever. This better be good. Love you bye!”

“Love you bye!”

“Well, thanks Alex. Later.” I started to leave.

“You came into my room to call someone about your pink walls, and that’s it?” he asked.

“Hmm, yeah That’s about it. Thanks!”

“I thought this call was important?”

“Oh, it is.”

“Then why didn’t you continue talking?” Eli asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I do what I want”

I went to my room and played my guitar. I haven’t played in forever. Around two in the morning I got a text from Dylan. Hey skank, thanks for telling me you left. Aw, I forgot to say good bye to him. I was about to reply back when I lost my service. I walked quickly to Alex’s door and knocked.

“Alex. Alex. I need to use your room again to text. Alex!” I whispered, getting louder at the end.
Eli opened the door looking mad and sleepy.

“Your really loud.”

“Well sorry, I need to text someone.”


I had to walk around Jeremy/John sleeping on the floor. I sat down next to one of their heads, Eli laid down next to me.

Dylan! I am SOO sorry. I was in a hurry and forgot.
Its cool. Jess told me everything. How is it?
Its alright, I guess. Ive only been here for a day. I miss home. =(
I miss you!
I miss you more!

“Whos Dylan?” Eli whispered.

“Dang nosey. And he’s my friend.”

“Boyfriend?” he said, curious.

“He was like 4 years ago. But now he’s one of my best friends.” He nodded, I got up.

“Where are you going?”

“Um to my room?”


I laid down and was out before I knew it.
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sorry this took awhile..im posting the next chapter like now..feedback!