I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

The best boyfriend, ever.

“Derek, you happen to be the best boyfriend ever,” I said as we were standing in the general admission section at the My Chemical Romance concert. We were waiting for MCR to come out; right now, some band was opening for them. I still couldn’t believe Derek took me to a concert for my birthday. I don’t even remember telling him My Chemical Romance was my favorite band. Maybe Derek was psychic. That would be freaky if he was.

“I know I am,” Derek said with a cocky grin. On a normal day, I would have slapped him, but since he took me to a concert, I would let this one slide. So instead of slapping him, I just hugged him.

The concert was amazing. I was pretty sure I had lost my voice from screaming MCR’s songs. I have to admit, I was one of the people in the mosh pits. I didn’t take it super serious and become one of those people who threw people or get into a fist fight, but I was still in the pits.

“Oh dang, did you see Mikey Way? He is so hot. Gerard is too.” I said to Derek randomly as we were driving home.

“What?” Derek asked in a shocked, angry tone. Shit, I didn’t even mean to say that out loud. It was just a random, but true, thought that was passing through my head.

“Um,” I stuttered, “you know, they’re hot in a famous, non-boyfriend way.” Phew, hopefully that covered it.

“Whoa, Marley, chill. No need to crap your pants, I was just kidding.”

“You sure didn’t sound like you were kidding,” I remarked, scowling.

“I wouldn’t get mad at you for thinking a person in a band was hot,” Derek replied back. ‘Yet, you get mad at me for everything else,’ I thought bitterly. Luckily, I didn’t say that out loud. I just shook the thought away and just nodded my head.

“Really Derek, you are the best boyfriend. Thank you so much for taking me to the MCR concert.” We were at my house, just chilling in his car. Mackenzie or James weren’t home, shocker, and Alex was actually at Jeremy’s house for once. I had the whole house to myself.

Derek shrugged his shoulders, “Marley, it’s not that big of a deal. You’re my girlfriend, I like you a lot, and I want to make you happy. That’s why I got you concert tickets, I knew you would like them.” A slow smile crept onto my lips. Derek gave me a smile in return. At that point I couldn’t take it anymore; I pressed my lips against Derek’s. He kissed me back, hard. After a while, being in the car was uncomfortable. “Let’s go inside,” I murmured into the kiss. Derek quickly removed his lips from mine, ran to my door and opened it. Next, Derek grabbed my hand and practically dragged me into the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, everyone wanted to know what the surprise was, so I figured I'd be a wonderful person and fill you all in.

I would like to say that the reason I didn't go into detail about the concert is because:
1, I didn't feel like it.
2. You guys have imaginations, just listen to MCR while reading. I had writers block while writing this chapter, and it was like one in the morning.

Anyways, comment and enjoy!
Oh, and my birthday is a week from tomorrow! :D