I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Miserable and Angry

It’s officially been one week and six days since Derek stayed over at my house. Since then, he has been avoiding me like the plague. We still sit by each other at lunch, but he doesn’t talk to me, he only whispers to Jason or plays with his food. I believe the longest conversation we’ve had was him telling me that his dog peed on Seth’s shoes. Otherwise, he’s been giving me one word answers when I ask him things. It was seriously pissing me off.

“Get out of my way you fucking bitch,” I snapped at whoever was walking into the kitchen the same time I was.

“Damn Marley, what’s wrong with you?” Eli asked, shocked that I snapped on him.

“Sorry Eli. I’m not mad at you; I’m just really pissed right now.”

“Do you need to talk about it?” Eli asked, motioning for me to follow him into the living room and sit on the couch. I thought about venting to him then followed him. I might as well vent to someone, even if that someone was Eli.

“I don’t know where to start,” I told him, flopping down on the couch.

“The beginning is always a good place.”

“Okay, you know that Derek took me to a MCR concert last Saturday right?” He nodded. “Well he stayed over, I’m sure you know that too,” Eli nodded again. “Well, we had sex. And basically we haven’t talked since that day.”

“And that’s why you’re mad?” Eli asked.

“Hell yeah that’s why I’m mad! We’ve only been dating for like two months and we had sex already. It makes me so mad that he hasn’t said a word to me since the morning after!” I yelled, getting most of my anger out. Eli looked shocked.

“What went down the morning after? That seems to be where the problems started.”

“Well…” I started, moving my feet to Eli’s lap so I was comfortable, “Before we had sex, he was like, are you sure, and I said yes. Then he asked me if this would be my first time and I said no. It looked like he was going to say something, but he didn’t. The next morning he asked me how many guys I’ve had sex with. I asked him why it mattered. He was acting all child-like so I asked him how many girls he’s slept with. Finally I told him how many guys I’ve been with and I asked him how many girls he’s been with. He freaking told me the past was the past and that he wasn’t going to tell me. I was about to cuss him out when Alex came home.” I loaded all of this information on Eli. Eli sat there silent while I calmed myself down. “Do you think he’s just using me for sex?” I whispered.

“I’m going to be completely honest with you,” good, that’s what I wanted, “I think he maybe. The way that he’s acting it seems like that. But I wouldn’t know for sure, I’m not Derek.”

“Ugh! I just don’t know what to do! I really, really, really like Derek, but if he’s freaking using me for sex, then forget that. I also want to yell at him and just punch him in the face.”

“Marley,” Eli said, patting my arm comfortingly, “you’ll figure out what to do, it will be okay.”

“Thanks for letting me vent to you Eli.” I said, hugging Eli. It seemed like I was hugging him a lot lately
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