I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Apparetnly, I'm a Slut Now

“Derek, you need to be over at my house in ten minuets. We seriously need to talk. If you’re not here by then, I’m going to be even more pissed than I am now.” I growled into the phone later. I didn’t give Derek a chance to talk; I hung up on him as soon as I told him my message.

“What are you going to say to him?” Eli asked me as soon as I was off the phone. We both were still sitting in the living room. I was actually surprised he was still down here with me and not with Alex.

“I don’t know,” I said honestly, “I think I’ll just say whatever comes out of my mouth at the time.” Eli nodded. I thought about what I was going to say. I wasn’t going to start yelling at him, hopefully. I would try to talk to him as calmly as I could, but I would probably start screaming profanities.

“That’s probably him,” Eli said as the doorbell rang. I got up and smoothed out my pants.

“Thanks again Eli for letting me vent to you.”

“It’s not that big of a deal. What are friends for?” Eli said the last part in a small tone.

I gave Eli a huge smile. “Best friends forever!” I yelled, pinching his check. He scowled and swatted my hand away. I quickly ran to the door because Derek, I was assuming, kept ringing the bell.

Derek was standing there, looking happier than ever. “Hey,” he said excitedly.

That immediately made me angry. He thinks he can just ignore me for almost two weeks and that gives him the right to act all happy? Hell no. “Let’s go outside and talked,” I growled at him.

“Why are you so angry?”

“Why am I angry? Why am I angry? Let’s see, maybe it’s because my boyfriend and I had sex two weeks ago and he hasn’t said a word to me since then.” I screamed at him.

“I’ve talked to you Marley.” Derek muttered meekly.

“No you fucking haven’t. The longest conversation we’ve had was you telling me about your dog peeing. Now I want to know what you’ve been freaking ignoring me.”

Derek wouldn’t meet my gaze. “I haven’t been ignoring you Marley.”

“Cut the bull crap Derek. Why the hell have you been ignoring me?”

“Maybe it’s because you’re a fucking slut!” Derek screamed; it was like I had been punched in the face. I could feel the tears pouring out of my eyes. I angrily wiped them away. “You’ve had sex with two other guys. I’ve had sex with one other girl besides you. It’s so hypocritical of you to beat up Megan and call her a whore, yet you’re one too.”

“You think I’m a slut? The two guys I’ve had sex with were my boyfriends. I’m sure you’re hook-up was a one night stand.”

“It wasn’t a one night stand. And don’t you talk about her like you know her.”

“Derek, I think you should leave, now.” Alex called. I turned to look at him. Alex, Eli, Jeremy, and John were standing with their arms crossed, looking positively pissed.

“Fine, I don’t want to be around her skanky ass anyways,” Derek hissed, storming off.

Tears were flowing out of my eyes that I couldn’t control. Derek had never talked to me like that; I didn’t even know why he was so mad. Who cares if I’ve had sex with two different guys, big deal. There were tons of girls who were at least ten times sluttier than me. I don’t go around humping every boy I see, like some people.

“Marley, are you okay?” Eli whispered, poking his head in the door frame.

“Fuck no,” I sobbed, trying to stop crying, but that wasn’t working so well, “I just want to be alone.” Eli nodded his head and left me alone. For the rest of the weekend I sat on my bed, wallowing in my own self pity.
♠ ♠ ♠
I probably won't be able to update until Sunday, if that.
So my lovely readers, comment and enjoy!

Now I'm off to watch Speed Racer!
Who else besides me thinks the guys who play Speed and Rex Racer are hooott! :D:D