I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Lies, Lies, Lies

School was awkward as ever. It wasn’t spoken out loud, but Sarah, Kristin, and Jason were on my side, if we had sides. It was pretty obvious the twins were; Jason was more nonchalant about it. I think he was pretty pissed at Derek, actually, for calling me a slut and what not. The twins were beyond pissed at him; there wasn’t even a word to describe how mad they were.

I, on the other hand, was miserable. I barely slept, ate, or talked to anyone. I felt so stupid for being one of those girls who couldn’t live without her boyfriend. It hadn’t even been a week since the fight, it was only like five days; I didn’t know, I lost count. What was even worse was that I didn’t even know if Derek and I were still together. I thought we still were, but his actions implied otherwise.

While most of me was miserable, there was a small part of me that was livid. I wanted to walk straight up to Derek and punch him in the face. And while I was punching him, I would break up with his ass. As mad as I was, I couldn’t bring myself to break up with him. I really liked him. Did I love him? I wasn’t to sure about that. I always thought I couldn’t love someone who treated me like shit, but the heart wants what the heart wants.

“Someone here’s to see you Marley,” Alex growled around five o’clock that night.

“Who is it?” I asked, even though I had a hunch on who it was.

“Who the hell do you think it is? You haven’t broken up with him yet?”

“No, I haven’t broken up with him. Though I’m sure that’s why he’s here.” I snapped at him. Better get this freaking break up over.

Derek was standing in living room with the facial expression of regret; well I thought that’s what it was. When he saw me in the living room, he gave me a small smile. ‘Don’t fucking smile at me you asshole,’ I thought bitterly. “Hey Marls,” Derek said slowly and shyly.

“Hey,” I replied, short and simple.

“Um,” Derek started, rubbing his neck, “Do you think we can sit down and talk?”

“Sure, why not.” I flopped down on the couch and waited for him to begin the speech he obviously had planed out.

“Look, Marley, I am immensely sorry. I didn’t mean a word I said. I was just angry because I had this wild thought that I would be your first time. I treat you like shit all the time and I wouldn’t be surprised if you broke up with me.”

“I don’t want to break up with you,” I started; Derek immediately became happy, “wait, I’m not finished. If you treat me like shit, I will break up you. I am not going to put up with that crap anymore. I really like you Derek.

Derek’s lips were on mine as soon as I was finished. “I promise I won’t,” Derek said in between kisses. While kissing him, it made me realize how much I missed Derek.

“You’re back with him, aren’t you?” John asked me when Derek left about an hour later. I cringed and turned around slowly.

“Technically, we were never broken up,” I pointed out. John, Jeremy, Alex, and Eli were standing in my room with blank expressions.

“What the hell Marley? Why are you still with him?” Alex asked, sounding very over protective.

“Damn. He’s my boyfriend, we were never broken up, and I like him. Is that enough explanation for you?”

“Marley, he treats you horrible. Can’t you see that?” Jeremy yelled.

“He treated me badly for a moment. That’s all water under the bridge now. He promised to never treat me like that again.” Why were they all acting like over protective brothers?

“Lies, lies, and more lies. You need to quit lying to yourself Marley.” Alex spat. He huffed and then stomped out of my room. Jeremy and John followed quickly after him. Eli stayed behind.

“Are you here to yell at me too?” I asked him, sighing,

Eli looked down before he whispered, “He doesn’t deserve you.” I just stared at him in shock while he walked out the door.
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Happy Easter Readers!
Oh, and guess what? Happy birthday to me! Woohoo! I'm offically sixteen. Unfortunately, I don't have my license yet. :( Stupid law saying you have to wait nine months...

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