I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Dr. Eli; PhD

“What took you so long? We’ve only got like an hour to hang out,” Derek snapped when I walked into his room after talking to his parents for a few minuets.

“We had to take stupid Christmas pictures, and it took longer than I thought,” I said, shrugging my shoulders and laying down on his bed.

“I’m sure that’s what it really was,” he muttered, I narrowed my eyes.

“What are you talking about?”

“I was just saying, I’m sure that was what you were really doing.”

“Do you want to freaking call Mackenzie? She may hate you but she’ll tell you what I was doing.” Here we go another fight.

“Maybe I will. How do I know you weren’t doing something else?” Derek yelled while still being quite because of his parents downstairs.

“Maybe because I’m fucking telling the truth.”

“Whatever you say Marley,” Derek huffed.

“Are we seriously fighting about this?” I asked him as calmly as I could.

“Yeah, we are seriously fighting about this.” Derek muttered stubbornly.

“Fine, then I am seriously leaving.” I walked out of his bedroom, out his front door while ignoring his parents’ curious faces, and to my car. Derek didn’t try to stop me; I didn’t expect him to.

“Eli, can I talk to you for a moment?” I asked him, barging into Alex’s room. I was on the verge of losing it and I really needed to vent to someone. Eli got up from whatever he was doing and followed me into my room, where we normally talked. He immediately flopped on my bed and positioned himself so he was comfortable.

“Alright, you may begin.” He said, sounding like a psychiatrist.

“So, as you know, Alex and I had to take those awful Christmas pictures. Well I was late
going over to Derek’s house. He got all pissed and was claiming I wasn’t really taking pictures. If this isn’t the stupidest fight we’ve ever had, then let me get struck by lighting.”

“So you two are fighting again?” Eli pointed out.

“Yes Eli! Derek and I are fighting again. I swear I’m sick and tired of fighting with him all of the time. I want to break up with him, but then I don’t. I like him, but…”

“You know what? I’m fucking sick and tired of this.” Eli interrupted me, yelling.

“What?” I asked shocked.

“I’m tired of hearing about you and Derek!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Obviously, I lied about updating. I'm quite bored and hungry. Cheeseballs sound amazing right now...:D

Uno chapter to those people who I have told...One more chapter. ;)

Comment and Enjoy!