I Finally Got Adopted..Dang


“We should poor water on her.” Someone whispered.

“No, lets put her hand in water; so she pees herself and do that’s shaving cream on the hand thing.” What are we? Five?

“Lets do all that stuff.” Someone laughed.

“I hope you all know I can hear you.” I shouted.

“Shit run!” there was feet pounding. I looked at the clock. What the heck? It was only eight. I groaned and got up to take a shower; there was no way I could fall back asleep. I walked down to the bathroom that Alex and I had to share and got in. I didn’t realize I forgot clothes until I got out of the shower. Crap. Oh well, maybe their downstairs.

I cracked the door slightly; there was no one out there. Phew. I was at my door when Alex and all of his friends came out. Someone whistled; I rolled my eyes.


I got dressed in some shorts and an old t-shirt since I was painting today. I was just done putting my wet hair in a messy bun when someone knocked at my door.

“Hey Mackenzie, guys.”

“Well, lets get started. Boys, move all of Marley’s things out into the hall.” Someone groaned.

Mackenzie was out of the room for a second when Eli whispered, “Looks like someone decided to get dressed.” Pervert; hes probably the one that whistled.

“Shut up.” Of course he smirked.

“How long have you played the guitar?” The straight haired blond boy asked; holding my Gibson.

“Since I was three.”

“Are you any good?” Alex asked me.

“I guess? I don’t know.”

“Play something.” Eli demanded.

“Maybe later.”

“Whatever. Chicken.” Eli said; then all the boys left.

Mackenzie and I got to work. I told her I wanted to paint the room in strips; randomly. It was silent, but it wasn’t awkward; it was a comfortable silence.

“Hey Mackenzie. Can I ask you something?” I asked when we were almost done.

“Sure dear”

“How come you guys adopted me? There were younger children than me at the orphanage.”

“Well, James and I adopted you because your mother and I were best friends.” I was shocked.

“What? I don’t ever remember you.”

“Yes, I know. Your mother and I were friends since we were little. She moved to New York for college, where she met your father. We tried our best to stay in touch; we would write every so often. I discovered three years ago that her and your dad had died; so I’ve been trying since then to adopt you. I promised your mom that if anything was to happen to her and your dad, I would take care of you and so here we are.” We sat there in silence for a moment. Mackenzie left for a moment and came back with something.

“Here, she sent this to me a month before she died.” It was a picture of me, my mom and dad; a month before they died. We were all standing in front of my dad’s tour bus. I remember this day; we were getting ready to leave for California. I don’t know how long Mackenzie and I stood there, just looking at the picture. I missed my parents so much.

“Hey Marley, your car’s here.” Alex said, interrupting us. I quickly wiped my eyes and headed outside.

“I gotta admit, your car is awesome.” Straight haired blond boy said.

“Thanks, I know. Im sorry, but what’s your name?” He laughed at me.

“Jeremy.” I nodded.

“You can drive to school tomorrow.” Alex told me.

“What? We have school tomorrow?”

“Um, yeah.”

“Ugh, I hate school.”
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ta dahh! =)
feedback, please and thanks!