I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Did You Scream Enough to Make Her Cry?

“This must be important if you’re risking getting in trouble,” was the first thing Derek said to me. I was too nervous to wait for him inside, so we were outside. I couldn’t say anything to Derek at first, I was on the verge of hyperventilating; I could feel the throw up in my mouth. “Whoa, Marley, what’s wrong?”

I still couldn’t say anything. By now the tears were flowing out of my eyes. “Marley, calm down and tell me what’s wrong. Are you okay?” I just shook my head vigorously. Derek began thinking about what could be wrong, since I was obviously not talking. “Are you pregnant?! I could have sworn I used a condom the last time we had sex…”

“Derek, stop. I am definitely not pregnant.” I finally got out. It was weird that Derek would think I was pregnant.

“Then what’s wrong? Is this because of our fight earlier? Look, I am really sorry. I know I can be a complete jerk sometimes and I don’t even mean to be. I really like you and I don’t want to mess things up between us.” Derek rushed like he always did when he was nervous. The tears were pouring out of my eyes even more.

“Derek, it is not something you did,” I said in between sobs, “It’s something I did.” Derek didn’t say anything so I continued. “Something happened between Eli and me.”

“What happened Marley?” He growled through his teeth.

“I was talking to Eli about our fight, like I always do. And he just snapped at me. He was saying you don’t deserve me and all this stuff…” I stuttered to a pause.

“And this is what is making you upset?” Derek asked with a confused expression.

I shook my head. “We kissed,” I whispered; I couldn’t look Derek in the eyes, so I didn’t know his facial expression.

“You did what?” Derek growled, making me look up at him. His face was a mixture of anger, hatred, and sadness.

“We kissed,” I sobbed, “He kissed me first, and then, I don’t know, I kissed him back. I’m so sorry I never meant for it to happen. You know I would never purposely cheat on you.”

Derek was silent for a long time. When he finally answered, it wasn’t good. “I was right about you all along. You are nothing but a nasty slut. We are over. I can’t even stand the sight of you.” Derek yelled, storming off.

“Derek, please don’t do this. Please!” I cried, grabbing his wrist. He shook me off forcefully.

“Don’t touch me.” Derek hissed, getting into his car. I stood outside for hours after he left, just crying to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
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