I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

I Hate My Life

“Marley, snap out of it. You’ve been mopping for two weeks. We’ve tried talking to Derek; we’ve told him it was just a kiss. Maybe you two breaking up was for the best.” Kristin said to me the day before Christmas. She and Sarah came over trying to get me to cheer up. Nothing was working, so it was no use.

“What’s the point,” I said in a monotone voice. I barely looked at them. Ever since the break up, I was hardly myself. I barely cared about anything. I went to school, ate, and then went to bed.

School was my own personal hell. Everyday I saw Derek, and everyday he sent glares my way. That was the only attention he gave me, otherwise he ignored me like I wasn’t even there. Sarah, Kristin, and Jason all tried to talk to him, but it didn’t work. Derek was dead set on never talking to me again.

Alex, Jeremy, John, Mackenzie and James were all ecstatic that Derek and I were no longer together. They didn’t even try to hide their excitement. They spent the first day showing me sympathy, but then they went right to excitement. I was surprised they didn’t throw a party.

As for Eli, I couldn’t look at him the same way. Every time I did, my heart would skip a beat. Some part of me felt anger towards him, but then there was some part of me that felt something else. I couldn’t exactly tell what it was. He tried talking to me countless times, but I just couldn’t do it. I knew it was wrong for me to be angry at him, but I was. He ruined mine and Derek’s relationship. Everyone knew why Derek and I broke up, so they all knew about Eli and I’s kiss. John thought it was funny to sing ‘Eli and Marley sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.’ every time he would break out in song, I would burst into tears.

“You know what you guys?” I said to the twins, suddenly snapping out of my depression. “I need to get out of here. I think I’m going to visit Jess in New York.”

They both nodded. “That would be good for you Marls. You need sometime away from you know who.” Sarah said.

“Thanks for trying to cheer me up you guys,” I told them, hugging them both. I was glad I had such good friends.

“Mackenzie,” I yelled, rushing up to her, I think I scared her. “I need to leave for New York tomorrow. I think that if I spend some time away from here, I won’t mope as much. And I…”

“Marley,” Mackenzie interrupted me, “That’s fine. I don’t like having you be a zombie all the time. Go to have fun.”

“Thank you so much!” I yelled, hugging her. I then ran up to pack and get travel information.

“Passengers, please put on your seat belts, we will be arriving in New York in a few minuets.” The pilot said over the loud speaker. I let out a huge sigh of relief. This plane ride had to be the longest ever.

When the plane landed, I quickly grabbed my suitcases and was the first person out of the plane. Jess was sitting in the back of the lobby, picking at her slip ends. I had to take the late flight because Mackenzie wanted me at the house for Christmas, so Jess was in her pajamas. She had no make-up on and had an extra large coffee sitting next to her; it was probably keeping her up. “Jessica!” I yelled.

Jess looked up tiredly. “Hey,” she yawned. “Let’s go to my house, go to sleep, and then you can tell me everything tomorrow.” I nodded, that sounded like a plan to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updates, my excuse: I was busy.
Comment and Enjoy!

Ahhh! I saw a Danny Jones (from McFLY) look alike at Olive Garden yesterday! It made my day; he wasn't as close to being as hot as Danny, and I'm sure he didn't have that sexy accent, but still. I've told every single person I know about it. :):):)