I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

International House of Pancake

“Bitch, why don’t you wake up? I’m hungry!” Jess screamed at me the next morning; she could never sleep in late. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her. Jess’ hair was perfectly straight and she had make-up and was fully dressed. I glanced at the clock, “What the hell Jess? It’s only ten in the freaking morning!”

“Who cares? I want pancakes, let’s go to the IHOP!” Jess screamed. I groaned and slowly got up; there was not a chance I could fall back asleep with Jess around. I honestly didn’t care what I looked like so I just threw on sweats and put my hair in a messy ponytail.

“Alright, start with your story. What happened? I didn’t really get the whole story on the phone, you were crying too much,” Jess said, her mouth full of pancakes. I sighed and put down my fork.

“Derek and I were in another stupid fight,” she interrupted me by saying, “Again?”

“Yes, again. Now will you quit interrupting me?” She nodded and I continued. “Anyways, I went to Eli because I always vent to him when Derek and I fought. Well Eli told me he was tired of hearing about me and Derek. I was in complete shock. I told him that if he had a problem with it, he should have said something. Well, he was like, ‘I don’t mean it like that, I mean I’m tired of you being upset all the time’, or something like that. Then he said ‘Fuck the friend zone’ and kissed me.” Jess’ mouth was open wide. I took a deep breath and continued. “I felt horrible. The guilt was so horrible that I had to tell Derek. He came over and I told him. Derek called me a slut, told me it was over, and left.”

“Oh my god,” Jess exclaimed after a few minuets. “I knew it!” she yelled.

“You knew what?” I asked in a confused tone.

“I freaking knew Eli was in love with you! I could totally tell when I was at your house for your party! I just never said anything because I wanted you to figure it out. Now that he kissed you, the cat’s out of the bag.”

I stared at Jess in shock. “What is up with everyone saying Eli likes me? He may like me, but he is most definitely not in love with me.”

Jess shrugged her shoulders. “He may not be in love with you, but he most certainly likes you.” She stated and then went on, “Marley, I’ve known you forever. I can tell when you like someone. I think you like Eli too.”

I immediately scoffed at her. “Jess, you’re crazy. I don’t like Eli. I like Derek, but he hates me.” I said in a sad tone.

“Just stop with that!” Jess yelled, scaring me and half of the people in IHOP. “Derek treated you like fucking shit. You don’t know how many times you called me crying. Eli and everyone else are right when they say Derek doesn’t deserve you, because he doesn’t.” Jess calmed herself before continuing. “Now, I have nothing against Derek besides the fact he treats my best friend like shit. I think if you think hard enough, you’ll realize that you like Eli too. I also think you should give him a chance, he seems like a nice enough guy.”
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Ha, I really want some IHOP! right now! :)

Comment and Enjoy loves. :D