I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Thanks for Flying American Airlines

I was in New York for the rest of Christmas break. It was really nice because I had a lot to think about.

I wasn’t even close to being over Derek, but I did realize how badly he treated me. I also realized I needed to be with someone who treated me like I should have been treated. No matter how many times Derek promised me he was going to change, it was never going to happen. This wasn’t Intervention, his actions were root deep. I also realized that it wasn’t completely Derek’s fault that he treated me horribly. I knew I was close to Eli, and that scared Derek. He honestly thought I was going to leave him for Eli. It made me feel even worse because in the end, I did up kissing Eli.

Eli, Eli, Eli, is what my thoughts focused on when they weren’t on Derek. This boy caused me some serious headaches. I was so confused by him. Eli was always there for me when I needed him, he was always comforting me. I could honestly say that Eli was one of my best friends. I could tell him anything. On the other hand, Eli was such a perverted jerk sometimes. He made me want to punch him right in his jaw. But one thing was for certain, I liked that perverted jerk, a lot.

I couldn’t help it; I never thought I would like someone like Eli. Ever since Jess yelled at me in IHOP, it was suddenly obvious that I liked him. He was funny, I wasn’t sure if he was smart, and he was sure cute as hell.

I also realized what that funny feeling was when Eli and I kissed. Sparks secretly flew when our lips touched. Butterflies were in my stomach every time I was around him. I didn’t realize all of this earlier because I was lying to myself. I was trying to make myself believe that I didn’t like Eli. I planned that as soon as I saw Eli, I would walk straight up to him and tell him how I felt. As for what would happen after that, I wasn’t sure.

“You better call and tell me as soon as you and Eli hook-up!” Jess yelled, hugging me as I was getting ready to board the plane.

“If we get together,” I murmured. Jess sighed.

“That boy is seriously obsessed with you. I’m surprised it took this long for him to kiss you. When I was at your house, I figured he would be all over you like a sack of potatoes in a few days.”

I rolled my eyes at her, hugged her one more time, and boarded the plane.

I was freaking out once again. My plane was landing in five minuets and I was hyperventilating. I was so scared that Eli would reject me. I don’t think I ever openly opened myself to someone, at least, not to someone like Eli. He was so different from the guys that I normally dated, and that scared me. I had no clue what to expect from our relationship, if there was going to be one.

“Thank you passengers for flying American Airlines”

Well shit, here goes nothing.
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Long over due; next one will probably be long over due also. I've been super busy lately.
Comment and Enjoy!

PS! Got time? Go check out my Saving the Earth Girl! story! It's short but funny, well, I believe it is.