I Finally Got Adopted..Dang


Eli wasn’t at the airport; I honestly didn’t expect him to be. This was a good and bad thing; it gave me more time to freak out. I wanted to punch myself for feeling like this. Eli was just a boy; I shouldn’t be this worried about telling him my freaking feelings.

It was just Alex at the airport waiting for me. His brown curly hair was all over the place and his hazel eyes were shut. Alex had his head tipped back on the plastic seat and I was pretty sure he was snoring. He had on a wrinkled plaid button down and ripped jeans.

“Hey douche bag, wake up.” I said, poking him in the face a few times.

Alex slapped my hand away then stirred. “Oh dang, did I pass out?”

“No, I just put the unnecessary words ‘wake up’ in the last sentence for fun.” I cracked. Alex scowled. We headed to his car and got in.

“I see you took your sarcastic pills this morning.”

I laughed at him. “Why are you so tired anyways?”

“Jeremy, John, and I got wasted last night. I have a huge hangover. It was New Year’s you know.”

“Yes, I was aware of that. Where was Eli?” I asked curious. Normally the four boys didn’t do anything unless all of them were there.

“Um, I don’t know.” Alex stuttered, “Why are you so interested in Eli all of the sudden?”

I blushed and didn’t say anything. Alex noticed. “You like him don’t you!” he shouted.

“Kind of, maybe just a little bit,” I said after a moment. Alex had a huge smirk on his face.

“Aw,” he cooed, “That’s sweet. Are you going to tell him?”

I shook my head. “Nope. I think I’m going to keep my feelings to myself. I think I’ll just get back with Derek, make him forgive me.”

Alex screeched the car to a complete stop. Luckily we were in our drive way or there would have been an accident. “Are you fucking serious?” Alex screamed. “If you get back with that fag I’ll punch you. In the face.” He threatened.

“Damn Alex, take a chill pill. I was just kidding. Yes, I am going to tell Eli my feelings.”

Alex let out a sigh of relief. “You scared me there for a moment Marley. I thought I was going to have to open a can of whoop ass on you.”

“Like you could beat me up.” I shot back.

Alex ignored my insult. “Today’s your lucky day my dear sister. Eli is supposed to come over in an hour.” Alex then got out of the car, laughing as he walked into the house.

“Marley! You’re back!” Sarah screamed when she answered her door. As soon as I walked into their house, both of the twins tackled me. I was too much of a coward to stay at home and wait for Eli, so unpacked and left for the twins’ house.

“I was only gone for like a week,” I pointed out.

Kristin shrugged her shoulders, “Tomato potato, we were terribly bored.”

“So did you have an epiphany while you were gone?”

“I wouldn’t call it an epiphany, but yes.”

“So?” The twins looked at me. “What happened?” Kristin asked.

I sighed and then began my story, “Well, I’m not even close to being over Derek, but I realized I don’t want to be with him. And I also realized that I like Eli,” I mumbled the last part; but the twins still heard me. Each one of them had a grin from ear to ear.

“Aw! That’s so cute!” Sarah started.

“When are you going to tell him?” Kristin finished.

“I think I’m going to tell him when I get home. Alex said he’s coming over to our house.” Both the twins looked at each other and grinned evilly.

“Well look at the time. You have to get out of our house. Bye Marley!” They both yelled, shoving me outside and locking the door. I sighed and walked to my car, not excited about the ride home.

“Hey Marley,” someone said when I got out of the car. I grimaced; it was impossible not to recognize that voice.
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I'm quite a liar liar pants on fire. I said the next update wouldn't be out for a while, well, it's obviously out about an hour later?
The NEXT chapter won't be out for a while (probably Monday or Tuesday?). I promise you that.

Comment and Enjoy!