I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Now Everyone Knows..

Who was supposed to meet Eli before school the next day? Me. Who was currently running late? Me.

“Move you stupid freshman!” I yelled at some random girl who had too much makeup on.
She muttered something and glared. I ignored her and continued to my locker. I quickly grabbed my books and ran to my first hour, barely making it before the bell rang. I threw myself into my seat and sighed.

“Did someone wake up late today?” Derek asked. I turned to look at him; he still sat by me even when we were in that phase where he hate me and I was depressed.

“Obviously,” I said giving him a smirk. The substitute began talking so I couldn’t say more. I was about to fall asleep from boredom when something hit me in the face. I was about to yell at someone when another paper ball hit me. I glanced around the room and noticed Eli waving to me from across the room.

“Thanks for meeting me this morning,” he mouthed.

“Late,” I mouthed, pointing to my outfit. I had been in such a hurry that I just threw on baggy sweats and a huge t-shirt. My hair was disgusting; it was going all over the place in a messy bun.

“You still look pretty,” Eli mouthed; I gave him a huge grin.

I was about to say something back when Alex yelled, “You guys are gross!” I don’t think he realized his statement came out too loud.

“Is there a problem here?” The overweight, sweaty substitute asked Alex. He shook his head at the sub.

“Wait! Yes there is! These two,” Alex yelled after a moment’s hesitation, pointing to Eli and me, “are gross! They’re all ‘aw, I love you!”

The room became dead silent. Everyone was either looking at me or Eli. I could feel Derek burning a hole in the side of my face. I tried to ignore him as much as I could but I knew I would have to talk to him sooner or later. I stole a quick glance at him and was filled with guilt. Derek’s face was a mixture of pain and sadness. It broke my heart to see him like that.

“So you two are dating now?” Derek asked me in our next class together. I figured he would have asked me sooner, but he didn’t.

I sighed heavily before answering. “Yes, we are. I’m really sorry Derek. I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore.”

“Marley, its cool, I was just wondering. We’re just friends.” Derek and I talked away during the hour and then walked to lunch together.

“You’re sitting with us today?” the twins asked me when I sat down.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? I always sit here.” I replied in a confused tone.

“We figured you would sit with your boyfriend,” Sarah sang, “Everyone who’s anyone knows you two are dating.”

“Shut up,” I snapped at her, glancing at Derek quickly. His face wasn’t angry like I expected it to be. He was just sitting there, eating his chicken sandwich. I smiled on the inside that it truly seemed like Derek didn’t care that Eli and I were dating.

“You done Marley? I’ll walk you to class,” Eli asked, coming up to our table before the bell rang. I nodded picking up my tray. I waved to everyone at the table and grabbed Eli’s hand. I only had enough time to throw my tray in a trashcan before Eli dragged me out of the lunchroom.

“Whoa, chill out. Why are we running a marathon?”

“I just don’t want you to be late for class,” Eli replied, glancing at me for a second and then back to paying attention to where he was going.

“Psh, like you or I care if we’re late or not,” I scoffed at him, he smirked.

“Maybe I just wanted enough time to do this,” Eli said, pushing me up against the lockers.
He put his arms on both sides of my face and leaned in. Eli’s breath smelled minty even though he just ate. Eli pushed his lips onto mine. I expected it to be a quick kiss, but it wasn’t. Eli’s lips lingered on mine. I had to finally push him off of me.

“I don’t want to make out at school,” I said, pointing to the nosey people staring. Eli just laughed, shook his head, and then walked to his class. I walked into Modern World History flushed. This was yet another class Derek and I had together, we had quite a lot together.

While walking to my seat, I noticed he wouldn’t make eye contact with me. Well great, what did I do now?
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Boring, but it's going to lead up to something that will happen in the next chapter. Comment and enjoy!

So, just wanted to let you guys know that I went to take pictures with people before prom yesterday; saw a girl who looked like a mermaid. It was hilarious. :)