I Finally Got Adopted..Dang


After the last bell rang, I went to my locker like I normally did. My shoelace was untied so I unfortunately tripped up the stairs. Every single one of my books went flying down the staircase. I growled angrily as I picked everything up. I was probably going to have a bruise on my freaking knee. When I finally got to my locker I threw everything in there forcefully and slammed the door shut. I practically ran out to my car; I wanted to get out of this lame school as soon as possible.

“Yo, get the hell out of my way,” I yelled to random people. It seemed that everyone in the whole school was standing in a huge circle near my car. Some kid scoffed at me but otherwise ignored me. I literally had to shove people to get to my car.

“What the hell is your problem man?” A voice that I recognized anywhere rang out.

“My problem is that you keep rubbing in that you and Marley are together in my fucking face!” another voice I recognized yelled. I immediately pushed through people and was in the middle of the circle. Inside the circle were Derek and Eli. Both boys were face to face with each other looking pissed.

“How am I rubbing it in your face?” Eli asked calmly.

“Don’t even ask that. You know what you’re doing. Making out in the hallway sound familiar?” Derek screamed.

“Well excuse me for kissing MY girlfriend,” Eli said loudly, emphasizing my. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back; Derek finally became angry enough that he snapped. One second he was in Eli’s face, the next he was scooted back enough to where he could swing. Eli saw this coming and dodged Derek’s fist easily.

“Eli don’t…” I started but it was no use. Before I could even finish his name, Eli was already swinging at Derek. Derek wasn’t quick enough to dodge Eli’s fist so it hit him square in the face. Derek was stunned for a moment but then began swinging. Eli wasn’t as quick as before so Derek got a pretty good hit on him. Derek’s fist hit Eli straight in his eye. Blood started gushing out; I winced though it didn’t affect Eli. He just kept on fighting. I finally decided it was time to intervene. Someone grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back as Eli right hooked Derek in the stomach.

“Don’t Marley, let them fight it out,” Alex said to me, his eyes trained on the fighting.

“I’m not going to sit here and just let them fight.” I briefly wondered why a faculty member hadn’t interrupted the fight.

“They’ll be done in a minuet. Eli’s kicking some ass!” John yelled excited. Alex and Jeremy nodded in agreement. While Alex was distracted, I slipped from his grasp and ran up to Eli.

“Eli Michael Tucker,” I yelled, dropping his middle name, “stop now!” Someone, either Derek or Eli, pushed me out of the way and just ignored me. I was about to yell again when they both just stopped fighting. Both boys were panting and bleeding. I looked at Eli critically. The only thing that looked seriously bad was his eye. It was swollen and bleeding. Other than that, he was okay. He was probably a going to be a little bruised, but he was still okay.
Derek, on the other hand, was not. His eyes were already starting to swell and bruise. He had cuts all over his face and was clutching his side.

“Glad to see that you both listened to me,” I said venomously before I started to walk away.
Both boys tried to stop me but I decided it was my turn to play the ignoring game.
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Thanks to cherry_lip_gloss for helping me with this chapter! She was the one who decided that Eli would pwn Derek. Thanks so much! :):):)

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