I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

First Day of School

I was not excited about school. I thought it was a waste of time. Sure I wanted a good education, but still, it was boring.

“Marley, hurry up! I don’t want to be late!” Alex shouted at me.

“Shut up nerd!” I countered. I looked at my outfit one last time; black skinny jeans, Scary Kids Scaring Kids t-shirt, hair in a messy ponytail, red converse. I was good to go.

Alex was tapping his foot impatiently by my car.

“Why are you so excited to get to school?”

“I'm not, I just don’t want to be late.”

“Sure sure. You’re a nerd, that’s cool.”

“Hey Alex, is this school full of snobby jocks?” I asked when we were almost there.

“Um, there are a lot of jocks, not all of them are snobs. But you’ll make friends. If you don’t, I guess you can sit with me at lunch.” He laughed.

“Hey! I am perfectly capable of making friends. Im not a loser.”

“Whatever you say.” He said, getting out of the car. Alex wasn’t kidding; this school was full of jocks; snobs. Great.

I walked to my first hour class with Alex; since we had it together. People kept staring. Alex must be popular because everyone and their dog was saying hi to him. There was no way I was sitting by Alex and his friends so I sat across the room.

“Are you new here?” I looked up. I girl with black hair and purple bangs was sitting across from me. She had red skinny jeans on and a Slipknot t-shirt on. Good, there was someone who wasn’t a snob.

“Yeah, I'm Marley.”

“Hey, I'm Kristin. Are you Alex’s new sister?”

“Yeah, I am. How do you know?”

“Oh, everyone knows. Alex getting a sixteen year old sister is talk of this town.”

“Well that’s great.” I said, groaning.

“No offence or anything, but everyone thought you were going to be just like him; preppy, snobby, annoying.”

“Well thank god I'm not.” She laughed. I had my next three classes with Kristin. In my class before lunch, Kristin’s twin sister, Sarah, was in the class with us. She looked exactly like Kristin, except she had green bangs instead of purple. I sat with both of them at lunch.

“Hey guys, this is Marley.” Sarah said sitting down. Two boys looked up.

“Hey I'm Jason” He had long, dark brown hair and brown eyes.

“I'm Derek.” Derek was amazingly cute. He had blond hair that was straightened in the front and spikey in the back. He had midnight blue eyes. He also had snakebites, which were so cute.


“Are you Alex’s new sister?” Jason asked.

“Ugh, yeah, I am.”

“You don’t seem too happy about that.” Derek stated.

“Eh, I’ve just been asked that at least twenty times today.” Everyone laughed.

School passed by quickly. I was waiting in my car for at least ten minuets when Alex finally decided to grace me with his presence. He was walking with some extremely fake blond girl. Her skin was so tan there was no way it was real. She was covered in designer clothing.

“Alex lets go! If you want a ride you better hurry up!” I shouted at him. The blond girl narrowed her eyes at me. I smirked. Alex and her talked for a few more minuets and then she squealed and hugged him. I threw up a little in my mouth.

“What’s your hurry to get home?” Alex said once he was in the car.

“I have to run home and get my volleyball stuff and be back here for practice in 15 minuets.”

“You play volleyball?” he asked shocked.

“Um, yeah? Why is that hard to believe?”

“You don’t seem like a person who’s athletic.”

“Well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

When we got home, I quickly ran inside, put on my spandex and a wife beater and was out the door. I made it to the gym with five minuets to spare.

“Little girl, I think your in the wrong place.” Someone said snottily. I looked up and saw Super Fake Barbie.
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