I Finally Got Adopted..Dang


There was a new student at our school. ‘Nakita Elizabeth Jones: female, age 17’. That’s what the piece of paper said.

“So what does the new student have to do with me?” I asked the principle, Mr. Levic.

“Well Miss Miller, Miss Jones coming to our school has to do with you because only a short time ago, you were new yourself. I thought it would be beneficial to her, and you, if you showed her around the school. Maybe you two will become friends,” Mr. Levic mused.

“Do I have to?” I groaned. Mr. Levic just nodded his head. I sighed and got up. “She’s supposed to meet you in front of the school,” he yelled as I walked out of the door.

When I got outside, there wasn’t anyone standing and waiting. I sighed, dropped my book bag on the ground, and waited. After a few minuets, I notice a girl walk up to the school confidently. I had never seen her before so I figured she was the new girl. “Are you,” I had to look down at the piece of paper, “Nakita Elizabeth Jones, female, age seventeen?”

The girl grimaced when I said Elizabeth. “Yeah I am. Don’t let anyone know my middle name is Elizabeth though, I hate it,” Nakita said. I laughed and took a closer look at her. Nakita was shorter than me, probably around 5’6”, and she had long, curly, chestnut brown hair. Her eyes were big, bright, and hazel colored. Nakita had on red skinny jeans and a black Bob Marley shirt. “Well I’m Marley McHatton Miller, and I’ll be your tour guide this evening.”

“Hello Marley McHatton Miller!” Nakita yelled, saluting me, “let us begin the tour!” I smiled and laughed out loud. From two minuets I’ve known her, I already liked her. She was bubbly and hyper; she reminded me of Jess. Maybe Mr. Levic was right, maybe we could be friends.

As it turned out, Nakita had every class with me. I showed her around the school, pointing out random things and then laughing about it. I introduced her to everyone, even people I didn’t know. Nakita actually made school fun. She wasn’t shy about anything, she fit in easily.

“Lunch time!” I yelled, walking into the cafeteria.

“Yummy yummy in my tummy,” Nakita said, patting her stomach. We went to get our food and then I led her to the table. Jason, the twins, Derek, Eli, Alex, Jeremy, John and I all sat at a table together. One day, I don’t know which day it was, Alex and his friends moved to our table. At first I kind of freaked out about it, with Derek and Eli just getting in a fight, but there was never a problem. They both sat on opposite sides of the table and only talked if they had to. Everyone else meshed together without a problem.

“Howdy guys! This is Nakita, our new best friend!” I squeezed between Eli and Alex and Nakita followed my pursuit pushing Alex to sit next to me. “This is Eli, Jeremy, John, Kristin and Sarah, Jason, Derek and Alex,” I said, pointing to each person. Nakita had already met half of them but I still introduced them anyway.

“Hey,” she mumbled, already stuffing her face with food.

“So um, do how do you like the school?” Alex asked her with a strange look on his face.

Nakita swallowed before answering, “Its okay I guess.”

“Where did you used to live?” Jason asked.


“Why’d you move here?” Kristin asked curiously.

Nakita shrugged her shoulders, “Dad bought some companies down here or something.”
Lunch passed quickly with everyone asking Nakita random questions. When the bell rang everybody said their goodbyes and headed for their classes. When Nakita got up she tripped over her bag and spilled her tray all over Alex.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” Nakita said, grabbing a napkin and patting Alex with it.

“Its okay,” Alex said, blushing ferociously.

“I’m such a klutz; I’m like a walking hazard.” Nakita began walking slowly and carefully to the trashcan. Alex mumbled something and walked away quickly. Eli laughed, gave me a quick kiss, and followed after him. When I turned to Nakita she had a small smile on her face.

“Is Eli your boyfriend?” Nakita asked, drawing out the word boyfriend. I nodded, “Aw, cute. Do you think that Alex kid is okay? He seemed pretty embarrassed when I spilled stuff on him.”

I laughed out loud, “Yeah, he’ll be okay.”

“Are you sure?”

“He’s my brother, I’m pretty sure he’s okay.”

“Hold up, Alex is your brother? You two don’t even look alike.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m adopted.” Then I told her my story.

“Oh god, I’m sorry Marley,” Nakita said.

I shrugged my shoulders, “Its okay. My parents died a long time ago.”

“I never see my parents, so I semi know how you feel.”

“Why don’t you ever see your parents?”

Nakita shrugged, “I don’t know, they’re never home, I’m never home, we just never really see each other.”

“Whoa, that’s like the same situation with Alex and I,” I said. It seems Nakita and I have some things in common.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks so much to bitter.twisted.bunny who created the character Nakita! About a month ago, bitter.twisted.bunny won the contest I had. Nakita will become a main character, so I hope you guys like her.

So, as of right now, there is going to be about ten to fifteen chapters left of the story, give or take a few. Before you guys ask, yes, there will be a sequel. I didn't mean for the story to be so long, but it is. Oh well.

Another note, I may not be able to update soon. I've got a persuasive essay and an aqua story for chemistry to write. Why do teacher feel the need to give as much homework as possible when school gets out in about 12 days? School is laame!

Yet another note! In the story, it is January. Just wanted to put that out there incase people didn't know and its going to matter in the upcoming chapters.
Enjoy and comment!