I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Grape Big League Chew

Nakita’s POV!

I despise Marley and Alex’s house. There is so many rooms that its not even funny. Who seriously needs five bathrooms, yes, I did count them.

“Marley, help me. I need water!” I yelled, running into her room and panting. Marley looked up from her phone with an amused expression.

“What do you need help with? Did you ask Alex out yet?”

“No!” I shouted, “I can’t find his fucking room! I’ve gone into every room in this house and couldn’t find his. Where the hell is his room?” Marley was now laughing at me, clutching her sides.

“Nakita, sometimes you worry me. Here honey, I’ll show you where Alex’s room is.” Marley grabbed my hand and led to a door directly across from hers. “This, my dear, is Alexander’s room.” she said with a chuckle.

“Are you serious?” I said, feeling extremely salty*. “I suppose I didn’t look in there. I thought it was a closet…” I said more to myself than to Marley.

“Yes Nakita, I am pretty sure that this is Alex’s room,” she said still laughing. I stuck my tongue out at her as she walked back into her room. I turned to Alex’s door. It was quite a pretty door, really. A dark brown oak colored with a glass handle. I stared at the door for a moment before I knocked on the door, loudly. I continued to knock in random patterns: some were loud, some were soft, I played a drum solo, until Alex answered his door. For a moment I didn’t notice he opened the door so I knocked on his chest. “Opps,” I said.

“That’s okay,” Alex said, rubbing his chest, “do you need something?”

I barged past Alex and flopped on his bed. “Yeah, I do,” I said when I got comfortable. Alex sighed, closed his door, and sat on the bed next to me. “Your bed is soft,” I murmured, patting the bed.

“So what do you need?”

“Oh, yeah, I almost forgot,” I said, slapping myself in the head. ‘Shoulda had a V8’ I thought laughing. “We’re going out now. As in boyfriend and girlfriend. Isn’t that so exciting?!” I yelled, clapping my hands.

“What?!” Alex asked-yelled in a shock expression.

“I said, we’re dating now!” I yelled back at him.

“I heard you the first time. Don’t you think you should have asked me instead of telling me?”

I thought about that quickly before answering. “Hmm, nope, I don’t think so. This is two thousand freaking nine Alex. I’m not going to court you or anything, silly.” I squeezed his knee and looked at him. His facial expression was shocked but his eyes showed happiness. “Here cutie, you can have this,” I took off my Rasta Stripe bracelet and snapped it on his wrist, “it’s my favorite bracelet and now it’s yours. Now everyone will know we’re dating.” I said with excitement. I was about to say something else when Alex leaned in and kissed me.

Alex’s POV!

Nakita’s lips tasted like grape flavored Big League Chew; it was amazingly sweet. She was a pretty good kisser too. It completely shocked me that she just barged in here and asked, no told, me that we were going out. I liked that she just took charge.

“I’ve got to go,” Nakita said, pulling away, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She gave me a quick kiss before she slipped out of my door.
♠ ♠ ♠
***Salty- feeling embarrassed/stupid. (I can't belive I even used that word. My friend says it constantly and it annoys me. But unfortunately he said it right as I was typing this chapter so I put in there.)

God, I am so craving grape Big League Chew its not even funny. Anyone want to snail-mail me some? :)

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This story is going to be jumping around in months, as you will read, coming up. Right now its January, the next chapter is going to be late April..around there. Just to let everyone know. I'm doing this 'cos the stories almost over and I'm rolling it along.
So comment and enjoy?