I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

We Say Summer Holds Such Wonderful Things

One Month Later

“It’s summer time Alex!” I screamed at him as we were leaving the house.

“God Marley, I know. You’ve only told me at least twenty times today,” he snapped at me.

“Hey Alex,” John said before I could snap back at Alex, “did you know its summer?” I snickered.

“Yeah man,” Jeremy said, “it is totally summer time.”

“I hate you all,” Alex muttered. John, Jeremy and I cracked up. Since it was obviously summer, we all were going out to celebrate by bar hopping. The only problem was that it was just me, Alex, Jeremy, and John celebrating. The twins couldn’t come because they were left immediately for vacation, Jason was grounded, Derek wasn’t really invited, Nakita is sick. Alex wasn’t going to come because she wasn’t, but she forced him to go. Eli didn’t really give a reason why he couldn’t come.

“Howdy Eli, are you on your way? Were getting ready to leave,” I called him earlier that day.

“Um, yeah, something came up and I can’t go,” Eli had stuttered.

“Oh,” I replied, “well is everything okay?”

“Yeah everything’s fine,” he said distantly.

“Well okay then. I guess I’ll see you later.”

“Bye Marley. I love you,” he murmured softly.

“I love you too,” I had said then hung up. Ever since Eli told me he loved me, we now said it to each other. We weren’t that couple who said I love you every two seconds, but we did tell each other our feelings.

“We’re here,” Alex said as he pulled into The Nite Train’s parking lot. We all got out and walked right in without being carded.

The place was crowed; there were people everywhere. The music was loud and the people were dancing like crazy. I grabbed John and Jeremy’s hands as Alex went to the bar and get some drinks. I pulled them to the middle of the floor and forced them to dance. Alex came back a while later with drinks and I downed whatever it was, not caring because I was thirsty. I continued to dance like a mad woman for at least an hour. Finally I stopped dancing and headed to get another drink.

“Where are you going?” Alex asked me, grabbing my wrist.

“To get a drink,” I panted, “I’m dying of thirst.” I started to walk away when he grabbed my wrist again.

“I’ll get it for you,” he said.

“No, it’s cool. I need to take a break anyways.” Alex glanced at John and Jeremy with a worried glance.

“Marley, I insist. I’ll go get your drink,” Alex said forcefully.

“What is wrong with you?” I asked, “I’m a big girl; I can get my own drink.” I forced my wrist out of his grip and made my way to the bar. When I finally got there I stopped because I got stabbed in the heart. I fell to the floor bleeding and died.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mwahahhaha! :D:D:D:D

If you couldn't tell, the ending was a cliffhanger. And I hate to break it to you, but I am going to be super evil (Hence the evil laugh above). I have decided not to post the MAJOR chapter until late Sunday. One, I've got plans, and two, I want you guys to wait. ;)

Leave tons of comments and enjoy.

So does anyone have any ideas to what the MAJOR thing is? I'd love to know what you guys think.

PS! The Nite Train is a real bar in my small town. It is in no way cool. I think people who have no teeth hang out there...anyways I chose it 'cos i couldn't think of a name for a club. XD