I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

One Month Later

“Where are you heading off to?” Nakita asked me as I was about to leave. I sighed and turned to look at her. She and Alex were cuddling on the couch and next to them was John and Emma, Jeremy was sitting on recliner and Eli was sitting on the loveseat by himself.

It had been a month since I told Eli I was done with him. The first week was the hardest. As much as I tried to avoid him, I saw him everywhere. He didn’t start coming back to the house until about two weeks after, Alex wouldn’t let him, but no matter where I was, I still saw him. He had looked horrible that first week; his eyes were always bloodshot and he looked like he didn’t care about his appearance. He seemed to not be combing his hair, and he quit shaving. He looked like a hobo yet, I had to force myself not to run up to him and tear off his clothes. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t forget Eli, even when I didn’t see him. Alex told him about two weeks after we broke up that he could come to the house if he didn’t cause a scene. At first he tried to talk to me a few times, but Alex looked at him sternly so he stopped. If Eli does talk to me, it’s just a simple hello, though he still looks at me with longing.

Mackenzie and James hadn’t said much on the matter of us breaking up. They knew he cheated on me, but I didn’t give them exact details. They were sympathetic while they were home, but otherwise it was just another break up as they saw it. When I told Jess, she flipped out, much like Nakita did. She flew down for a weekend to comfort me, though I didn’t need comforted. She had wanted to yell at Eli, but I forced her not to.

“I’m heading over to Derek’s.” I didn’t miss Eli’s eyes narrowing and him sniffling.

I don’t know who told Derek about Eli and I, it was probably Jason, but some how he found out. He came over the day after the break up with lots of junk food and movies. We spent the whole day laughing and mending our friendship. No, I didn’t like Derek again, but I was extremely glad we were friends again.

When I got to Derek’s, he pulled me into a hug. “He’s over at your house isn’t he?” was the first thing he said to me.

I smiled sadly. “Yeah, he is. How did you know?”

Derek pulled me onto his bed and we lay side by side, like we often did. He grabbed my hand before talking. “Marley, when he’s over there, you come over here with a sad look in your eyes. I know that you’re trying to get over him, but it’s hard for you. I also know that you still love him, as much as you try to deny it. He made you happy, even I could see that, though I didn’t want too, when I didn’t,” Derek said sadly.

I turned to look at him. “You made me happy Derek,” I whispered.

Derek shook his head. “No, I didn’t. We fought constantly, most of the time I caused the fights. I acted like a douche bag because I liked you so much.” When I didn’t say anything, he continued. “I think our relationship should have stayed on a friend basis. Even though sex with you was outstanding,” he said smirking, I slapped him.

“God you pervert,” I said laughing. When we settled down I murmured softly, “I think we should have stayed friends too. I’d rather us be friends then nothing at all.”

Derek ruffled my hair and kissed my head. I hung out at Derek’s house for a few hours before I trudged home. Eli’s car wasn’t here, but Nakita’s was, so I figured she was staying the night.

I walked into Alex’s room with out knocking, even though I should have. Luckily Nakita and Alex were just laying on Alex’s bed and not about to have sex, like a certain time when I walked in with out knocking.

“You really should knock,” Alex said.

“Why? You guys aren’t having sex. I would hear you anyways. Alex, you need to quiet those grunts a little bit better.” Nakita and I both laughed while Alex’s cheeks flushed red. Nakita kissed his cheek and the blush faded away.

“So how was Derek’s?” Nakita asked.

“Okay, we just hung out like normal,” I said flopping onto the bed.

“You look sad,” she pointed out and Alex nodded in agreement.

“I’m not,” I lied.

“Bullshit,” Nakita said. “What happened at Derek’s?”

I sighed and lied again, sort of. “We just talked about some sad things, that’s all.”

“I think it’s because you miss Eli,” Alex said, looking thoughtful.

“What?!” I asked in a shocked tone. I was two and oh for people saying I missed Eli today.

Nakita nodded. “When he’s over here, you get really depressed.”

“Maybe it’s because he’s a lying skank that I thought I loved?”

“No,” Alex said, “well, maybe it’s half of that. You’re sad because you still love Eli and you can’t get over him.”

I groaned and put my head in my hands. “I’m just so confused. Some days I want to run up to him and tell him that it doesn’t matter and that I still want to be with him. Other days I want to kick his ass for cheating on me. And some days it’s a mixture of both.”

“You should talk to him Marley,” Nakita said quietly.

“Right now,” Alex said.

“I don’t have my phone with me,” I made up a lame excuse.

Alex threw me his, “There you go,” he said smirking.

I looked at the phone and sighed, “I’ll do it tomorrow; that way I can think of what I’m going to say.”

Alex and Nakita both shook their heads. “Whatever, you better,” Alex yelled as I walked out of his room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update is coming out soon; read the author's note there.
It will be much shorter; this one is like 1000 words or something