I Finally Got Adopted..Dang


I sighed contently when I woke up the next morning. I would have slept longer if the sun wasn’t shining through my curtains right on my face. I looked at the clock, twelve o’clock. I smirked; I had purposely stayed up late so I would waste half the day sleeping.

I yawned loudly as I stretched and headed down stairs. “Alex?” I called, but he didn’t answer. I looked out at the driveway and noticed there was only my car there. I shrugged and headed into the kitchen. I took my time looking around for something to eat. I finally decided I would make myself pancakes. About and hour later I headed back upstairs to take a shower. I made sure to scrub myself thoroughly. When I finally got out of the shower and was dressed, it was two thirty.

I flopped onto my bed, grabbing my phone in the process. I opened it and then threw it back down. I couldn’t do it; all of my procrastination hadn’t worked. I thought that if I took my time to call Eli, I would find confidence to call him, but it didn’t work. I was more nervous than ever. What was I supposed to say to him? ‘Um, hey Eli. I want to get back with you even though you fucked some slut behind my back.’ I didn’t think that would go over to well.

And what if Eli had already gotten over me? What if him seeing me everyday and knowing I hated him made him give up hope of us getting back together? I didn’t want to make a fool of myself by calling him and then him denying me.

I picked up my phone again. I opened it slowly and went to contacts. I scrolled down until I found his name; Eli Tucker. I had both his cell and house phone, but I knew he wouldn’t be home so it was his cell I was going to call. I was about to press send when I threw the phone down again. I went through that for about ten minuets before my phone rang.

“Have you called him yet?” Alex asked point blank, not even waiting for me to say hello.

“No, I just woke up,” I lied to him.

“Yeah, sure, whatever you say. You need to call him Marley. Both of you are miserable. Swallow your pride and call him.” Alex growled and then hung up.

I sighed as I looked at my phone. Once again I scrolled down to Eli’s name. I contemplated on what I was going to say. I stared at my phone for a while when it rang again, scaring me half to death.

“Alex I can’t call him if-“ I started but he interrupted me.

“Marley,” he said in a worried tone, “there’s been an accident.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha, yet another cliffhanger. :D

Reasons for two updates in one day:
1). I didn't update yesterday and I want to get the story done by Sunday
2). I won't be updating tomorrow 'cos my brother's birthday party.
3). I won't be updating until Saturday and I want the suspense to kill you; knowing that the story only has two chapters left. XD

Comment and enjoy!

Oh! And guess what?! I officially have the story typed out and finished. Now onto starting the sequel!