I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

You're the One That I Want

I dropped the phone even though Alex was still talking. He hadn’t yet said who was in the accident, but I knew. “Can you repeat everything you just said,” I murmured quietly when I finally picked up the phone.

“I said there’s been an accident. Eli’s mom just called me sobbing saying Eli’s about to go into surgery. They think he hit a deer and swerved into a barn. His car is completely totaled. His mom said before surgery he was unconscious as they pumped his stomach. The doctors said if he had one more drink, he would have died from alcohol poisoning.” It sounded like Alex was holding back sobs.

“Is he going to be okay?” I too was trying to hold back the sobs.

“She didn’t say. All his mom said was that he was about to go into surgery. When he crashed into the barn, it squashed his left side. Eli’s mom said that both his left leg and arm is broken, along with other bones,” Alex said quietly as I started crying. “Eli’s mom also said that he didn’t have his seatbelt on, so when he hit the barn, he flew out the front windshield. They found him a few feet from his car…” he trailed off.

“This is entirely my fault,” I sobbed into the phone.

“Marley, it’s not your fault,” Alex soothed.

“Yes it is!” I shouted, “If I had just taken him back, this would have never happened. You and I both know he started drinking heavily after our breakup. And yesterday, when I said I was going over to Derek’s, I saw his eyes, they were filled with sadness.” I sobbed even louder.

“Marley, it’s not your fault. Do you want Nakita to come and get you? We’re already at the hospital.”

“No, I’ll be there in a few minuets.” I said hanging up. I threw my phone at the wall and it shattered, I punched the wall until my knuckles bled, I sobbed into the pillow, but nothing got my anger out. Why did this happen to him? Sure there is karma, but to this extent? Just because Eli cheated doesn’t mean he deserves to have a near death experience.

If my life was like the movies, I would have an epiphany about getting back with Eli. It would be like Grease, I was like Sandy and Eli was like Danny. We had a great romance, but then it ended badly. We both tried to get on with our lives, but it didn’t work. And then, on the last day of school, there would be a carnival. Eli would be there in his letterman jacket, talking to the T-Birds. I would appear, sunlight shining behind me. Jeremy, or someone, would point at me. Eli would then turn around slowly. Once he saw me, his jaw would hit the floor at the surprise of my outfit. Skin tight black leather pants, a tight, black shirt that showed my shoulders, and red heels. My hair would be curled to the extreme. Eli would walk up to me and say, ‘Marley,’ in a surprised tone. Then I would be like, ‘Tell me about it, stud,’ squashing a cigarette with my heel. We would run around the carnival singing ‘You’re the one that I want.’ After we sang our hearts out, confessing our feelings, all of us; me, Eli, Alex, Nakita, the twins, Jeremy, John and Emma, Jason and Derek, would sing all together. Then Eli and I would drive off in the sunset with our yearbooks in Grease Lightening. The end; a happy ending.

But this wasn’t the movies, it was real life. I didn’t smoke, our school didn’t hold carnivals, Eli and his friends didn’t call themselves the T-Birds, the twins, Nakita, and I didn’t call ourselves the Pink Ladies, Eli and I weren’t together, and he was in surgery with his body half broken.
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Ha, technically it's Saturday where I live. :)

So, I'm killing two birds with one stone here:
Bird One: Creating drama for yo momma. ;)
Bird Two: Letting you all know not to drink and drive, especially without a seatbelt. I want everyone to know what Eli's accident is based on an actual accident that happened to my friend. The only difference is the injuries; Eli broke his arm and leg, my friend was in a coma for almost a month along with broken bones. He barely remembers his family and friends; they have to reteach him everything. Don't drink and drive children. You drink and drive, you lose.

So does anyone have to go watch Grease now? 'Cos I know I do..