I Finally Got Adopted..Dang

Everybody Knows the End

I got to the hospital within minuets. Even though Eli had just gotten in a car accident, it didn’t faze me. I still sped down the high way, crying my eyes out.

The hospital smelled like musk and bleach. It distracted me, I hated hospitals, but I found out what room Eli was in and walked briskly to get there. Kate, Eli’s mom, was standing outside, crying her eyes out. My heart dropped and I was filled with dread. This was bad.

“Is he okay? Is he still in surgery?” I asked her a million questions at once.

Kate nodded, wiping the tears away with a Kleenex. “His left arm and leg are broken. Some smaller bones are broken too. He had to get his stomach pumped because of his blood alcohol level. He just got out of surgery, it was a success. They had to pop his shoulder back in place along with setting some bones back into place. He is awake. The doctors and nurses are trying to get him to sleep but he won’t. I think he’s waiting for you dear.” She said, patting my shoulder. “You can go ahead and go in. You two need to talk.” Kate said knowingly. Before I could say anything to her, she turned and walked away.

I turned to look at Eli’s door and gulped. I hated hospitals, the last time I was here, my parents were pronounced dead. I turned the doorknob slowly and poked my head in. Kate was right, Eli was awake. He was propped up on the pillows and staring intently at the door. When he noticed me, he smiled weakly and motioned me in with his right hand.

Eli looked horrible. His whole left side was in a cast. His face was covered in bandages because I assumed there were cuts all over his face. His right arm had a long cut in it. A machine was hooked up to him and it beeped every time his heart beat. Bruises covered every inch of his body. I cried when I saw him.

“Marley, don’t cry. I’m okay,” he said quietly; it made me sob harder.

“Okay? Eli you’re in a hospital with your left side broken. This is all my fault.”

Eli looked pained when I said that. “No Marley, this is not your fault. You didn’t force me to drink and drive without a seatbelt.”

I nodded my head ferociously. “Yes it is. You’ve been drinking heavily ever since we broke up. If I would have just taken you back, this never would have happened. You could have died, and then I would have died,” I said quietly. “I was going to call you today. I was going to tell you that I wanted to be with you, that it didn’t matter if you cheated because I loved you. I still love you.”

Eli’s bright green eyes shone when I said that. “Come here,” he said, motioning for me to sit next to him on his right side. I hesitated but he patted the bed so I carefully sat down next to him. He pulled me close and wrapped his arm around me. I dug my head into his shoulder and cried. “I was an idiot for cheating. I don’t know what went through me. I didn’t even like C’ara; I can’t explain why I went behind your back, because I myself do not know. She wasn’t worth it, not one bit. Marley,” he said, I looked up into his eyes. “I’ve been in love with you since the moment you walked through the front door of my best friend’s house. I love everything about you. You make me so happy that words can’t even explain it. I was stupid to drink, but it made the heart ache go away, for a little while anyways. I’m sorry I’ve put you through so much pain. I don’t deserve you, but I would be the luckiest person on Earth if you took me back.”

“I want to be with you Eli,” I said softly.

“Good,” he said. He inched his head forward. I met his lips gently, not wanting to hurt him. When our lips met, I felt the sparks go off and I saw fireworks behind my closed eyes. The butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

“I love you,” he murmured into my hair as he held me.

I grinned hugely. “I love you too,” I said, holding onto him as tightly as I could. People came to see him, but I still sat there next to him on his bed, holding him. Maybe movie moments do happen in real life, because here I was, back with the person who made me happy and who loved me as much as I loved him.

The End.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end? Yes. Corny and Cheesy? Yes. Do I care? Not one bit.

Some of you have noticed, I already posted the summary for the sequel, I Try To Drown You out, So, Down Goes Another One.
I plan on posting the first chapter on June 10th, 2009.
So you all can subscribe if you want to, or just check back on the tenth.

Comment and enjoy my lovely readers.