Kill All Your Friends


Gerard’s P.O.V

It’s him. Frank Anthony Iero. He’s in the same class with me this year. He’s a real popular kid in our school. Yes, and I mean school. Not only the kids in our grade liked him and adore him so much but also the seniors and juniors. For god sake and he sitting right next to me! Although it’ll only gonna last for a while, I still get uncomfortable. Oh yeah, you probably won’t know why would I get so nervous around him. Um…you know I’m not straight…not gay! Not gay…just into both I think. So practically I’m a bi. I have this little crush on him since …ever, and that theoretically means ever since I saw him, last year, to be specific. I heard a lot of stories and rumors about him from all my friends. But it’s today, the first time he’d actually talked to me.

“Hey! Um… Do you who’s gonna be our Math teacher this year?” He’s sitting right next to me and is leaning forward to ask me a question which I had totally no idea about what he was talking about as his head was just inches away from mine and I’m pathetically freaked out.

“Oh, I’m sorry…can’t hear you.” I stuttered. Damn you Gerard!

“I said do you know who is gonna be our Math teacher this year.” He repeated with a charming smile of his.

“Well, I don’t know since we haven’t got our schedule yet and I’m not bored enough to walk straight into the teacher’s room and yell who is gonna be our Math teacher.” Frank giggled at my joke and leant back to his sit. Shit! That joke was so bad taste and stupid. Why did I let those words out of my mouth anyway? God, Frank must think I’m some kind of kid that always tries to tell jokes that are actually not funny at all. Oh my god.

We talked a lot more the next few days. We talked about music, our family, daily life, funny things, jokes, all kinds of random things that you can think about. It was so cool to hang out with Frank. And it seems that he doesn’t think my jokes and stuff are stupid or bad taste, instead he giggles and laughs at all of them. I like him more every time we get to spend time with each other. I think this ‘little’ crush is becoming bigger and bigger every day. Every little thing he does makes me happy. Like when he first said I am his best friend and hope that we could keep it that way forever, I went on hyper for all day even though there was a little part of me saying that I wanted more then just a ‘best friends forever’. Even the smallest thing like him saying my name will make me happy. We became very close friends and there’re even some rumors about us actually dating. But every happy little thing stopped and changed on the day he said to me that he had a crush on a girl in our class. My heart skipped a few beats but I remained smiling for the whole time.

“The guys said that she’s cute and that I should go for it.” He chewed his sandwich in silence and peeked at the girl from the corner of his eyes. I looked at him and then the girl, him and girl, him.

“Come on Gerard, your words mean the world to me. If you say yes, I’m gonna ask her out after school today.” What do you want me to fucking say? ‘She a bitch and don’t you dare to go near her or I’ll fucking kill you, peel off your skin then burn you in hell. And I promise I won’t make it easy for her too’? My words mean the world to you? What if I say I like you so maybe you can put her out of your mind and ask me out instead? Ha ha, very funny. But all that came out from my mouth was “Go for it man, she’s nice. And I think there’s 95% chance that she’s gonna accept you. Go ahead.” Go ahead and I’ll bite your ass off.

“Thanks a lot Gerard. Hope she really accepts it. And where did the other 5% go?” Ask yourself! But I just giggle and shook my head.

“Nothing, just messing around.”

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