What If Frank Discovered Pop Rocks?

Frank Discovered Pop Rocks

I was sitting alone by myself with no one around. I was so bored on this stupid bus. I started hanging upside down from the couch. Then, I just found out that I wasn't hyper. I turn myself around, but landed on the floor. That's gonna leave a mark in the morning. I saw Gee making a drawing and the others playing guitar hero. I go to the kitchen and I start reaching the one's that are actually my height. I look in and... there weren't any. I checked all of them and no sign of skittles. I go back to the room. They were still doing what they were doing when I left, except Gerard wasn't drawing, he was watching the guys play the game.

"Gee. Gee. Gee. Gerard. Gerard. Gerard. Gee. Gee. Gee. Ger-"

"WHAT?!" Gee shouted.

"We... Don't... Have... SKITTELS!!!" I yelled.

"Because you ate them all last night without offering us one." he told me.

The bus stops. I go to the front and we were at a gas station. That means... SKITTLES!!! I raced out of the bus and went into the convenience store. I went inside and I went to where the skittle are. Sadly... THERE WEREN'T ANY!!!! But something colorful caught me eye. It was really small and they had these white letters that just popped. It said 'Pop Rocks'. I grabbed about five of them and bought them. I raced back into the bus. I was alone, again because the guys were still in the store. I opened the small little packet and put them on the palm of my hand.

It felt funny. I put a little bit on my mouth and it just suddenly started popping in my mouth. It tasted so good. I put the rest in my mouth and it started tasting good. I got another one and just put the whole packet in my mouth. My mouth started going sour. I looked at the packet and it said 'Pop Rocks Sour'. They were so good. I started to have a sugar rush. I put the whole candy in my mouth.

"Frank, what are you doing?" I looked and Bob was standing there at the door.

"There these really good candy that pops in your mouth." I told him really fast.

"What are they called?" he asks, sounding concerned.

"Pop Rocks." I simply said.

"I'm gonna go because I don't want to see you in your hyper state again." he said.

I shrugged. I put the three candies in my mouth and the pop rocks started having a party. I swallowed and started to become very hyper. I went to the room and everybody was there. They were all talking about something.

"Pop Rocks?" I heard Mikey ask.

"Yeah. I never heard of them." I heard Bob say.

"I think I heard of them. Aren't they like mini candies that pop in your mouth?" I heard Ray ask.

"Yeah. They're really popular in California, though, for some odd reason." I heard Gerard stated.

"You think we should take them before he eats them?" I heard Ray ask.

"Too late!" I screamed.

I jumped on Gee's back and and wrapped my legs around them.

"Frank. What kind were there?" Ray asks.

"There was Pop Rocks original, Pop Rocks sour, Pop Rocks tropical, Pop Rocks extreme and Pop Rocks wild." I counted.

They all started groaning.

"Did you eat them all? All in one bite?" Mikey asks.

I nodded. They all started groaning.

"Frank, get off me." Gerard comanded.

"But-but-but your back is so com-fort-able" I whined comfortable in three parts.

Bob got me off of Gee's back. I don't think I'll sleep tonight.
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Okay. None of this happened. And even if it were, I don't think Frank will find them because they are really hard to find. Seriously.