Face Down

Chapter Thirteen

The room started spinning the instant I opened my eyes. Sound came crashing into my ears like a car crash that was never ending.

"Don't you dare try to touch me!"

"If you would just calm down and let me try to explain-"

"Explain that you put my best friend in a comma?! What the fuck is there to explain?"

"Shut up," I tried to scream but I knew it came out like a mumble. The spinning room and the fact that I was holding my head didn't help. "Shut up," The more and more I began to say it the stronger it came out. Finally they heard it, "Shut the fuck up!"

And then it was silent... Well not for long.

"How do you expect me to, and I quote, "shut the fuck up"? When my best friend is lying on a bed, in a hospital, unconscious with a good chance of slipping into a comma?"

"I'm glad you only think of him as you're only best friend." I said regaining the strength to get on my feet.

"Oh please, don't make this about you. A real friend would tell me things, a real friend wouldn't treat their supposed friend like crap, a real friend wouldn't put their shitty ass boyfriend before them." She just glared at me, peeling me open with her hard brown eyes. "Don't you dare, dare put that crap on me. Now before I-"

A sound started coming from where Ronnie was started piercing my ears. It was his heart monitor beeping rapidly. All of a sudden doctors and nurses started to rush into the room with equipment that I had never seen before.

"Everybody out of the room! Everybody out!" Shouted the doctor that was in before.

I resisted against their pushing wanting to know what was going on. "What's wrong?"

"As soon as we figure that out we'll let you know."


Sophie's Point of View.

"Don't make me leave! Please!"

"I'm sorry, but we need everybody out if you expect us to figure out what's wrong!"

"I'm his best friend he needs me!"


"Doctor, his heart rate is slowing to almost nothing."Rapidly spoke one of the nurses while she raced to cut open he hospital dress. "Doctor we need to use the defibrillator if he has any chance of survival."

The doctor took the pads from the nurse and immediately put them on his chest. "Alright everybody, back up. Nurse turn them on. Clear!" The paddles shocked him making his body jump in the air.

"Doctor, there is no sign."

"Turn them up," I saw the nurse turn the knob up higher making more afraid then I ever have been. "Clear!"

"No response,"


"Ronnie! Ronnie! Please, stay with me! Ronnie!"

"No response."

"Turn it up."

"Ronnie! Please! Don't leave me! I need you Ronnie!"


"No response."


"I'm going to need for you to stop yelling or you'll have to leave!" I male nurse yelled while gripping both my arms.


"No response Doctor,"

"Turn it up. If he doesn't respond this time, we have no choice but to pronounce him dead."

"No Ronnie, please! Don't die! Please!" I yelled, squirming the nurses arms.

"Doctor hold on, we have a response." The doctor rushed over to the monitor and immediately rushed back to Ronnie.

"Give me a oxygen mask, he's having a hard time breathing."

I stood there while they rolled him a way into what the nurse said ICU. He rushed me with him while I sobbed and screamed at the top of my lungs. My best friend died on the bed in front of me while the girl he loved was who the hell knows with that piece of shit boyfriend she had. Now I was running with a nurse while he hung onto to what little life he had in him. I will never forgive her for this. No matter how much Ronnie and I loved her. Never
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Again I lost two of you. OH WELL. I hope you liked this and will comment.

So peace<3