A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 1

Casey's Point Of View

"Casey, get up. Mom needs you!" That was my brother, Josh. He's annoying and two years older but sometimes pretty cool. This was one of those annoying times. "Ugh. What does she want?" I asked in an annoyed voice. "She gotta tell ya something! It's important!" He says with his voice getting quieter as he walks downstairs. I get up and go downstairs to the living room. "Yeah Mom?" I ask my mom, who's sitting on the couch watching the news. "Case, you're going to that boarding school this year remember? The one in California?" she says. "Wait, I made it in?" I asked excited. "Yeah. They said you and Laura made it." she answers looking at me with her confused look. "We talked to Laura's dad and told him all about the school and he said she could go but he wanted you to go over there today and tell her and help her pack." she finishes. "OK! I'm fine with that! I just need to go pack everything and get changed!" I answer running up the stairs. "You got 3 hours, he wants you there at one." she screams up to me. We lived in boring and cold Michigan...so I was always dreaming about leaving the state and going somewhere exciting. This was the perfect opportunity. Me and Laura are amazingly smart and rich so my mother got tired of us going to out public school with the 'less rich kids' as my mom put it. She was a bit of a snob when it came to people and how she acted when she was out of the house. Laura was like my sister and my mother's second daughter...and she always treated her like it too. Laura practically lived over my house so after a while my mom said that she could come over whenever. My mom was always working so she didn't care, and I didn't have to waste her time to call and ask or interrupt something she was doing to bug her about it. So, my mom ended up giving Laura her own key, and she came whenever she wanted, but not at crazy times. She had double of almost everything important and the double was at my house so she never would forget anything she needed. Laura's mom lived in California, she offered us to stay with her but we turned her down. Laura's dad, my mom and both me and Laura hated Laura's mother. We decided just to stay at the boarding school.
Max's Point Of View

I woke up to my brother shaking me and screaming "Max! Get your lazy butt up! We gotta pack! We're leaving tomorrow! Hurry up!" I grunted. "Get up!" he shouted in my ear. "I'm up!" I said pushing him off the bed and on the floor. It was already 1:00 in the afternoon! I got up and went to the bathroom. My hair was sticking up in all directions. I got a shower and fixed my hair. I changed and went into my room and Adam was already packing. I packed everything that I would need and by the time I was done it was about 4:30 pm. I did whatever for half an hour, then my dad called us down for dinner. I only had one brother, Adam, and my mom lived in California so it was just me, Adam and my dad at the table eating in a very awkward silence.
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Hope you liked chapter 1!!! Tell me what you think!!!