A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 11

Casey's Point Of View

I changed and took out my laptop. I got signed into AIM and saw I had 10 emails from Tiffany! "Wow! Tiffany messaged me 10 times!" I said to Laura. I opened the very first email sent just as Laura came behind me. It read:
Hey Case!
How's the school? Did Laura go too? Do you like your roommates? Message me back!
Then I read the latest one sent. It said:
Hey Case!
Email or AIM me back! You must be having fun so I wanna here all about it! GET ON NOW!
"Wow! She's crazy and very excited!" Laura said. "Don't forget hyper!" I said. "Yeah." Laura said back. I saw that Tiff was on right now so I messaged her right away. Here was the conversation:
"Me": Hey Tiff! Guess What?
"Tiff": What?
"Me": My school...is an ALL BOYS SCHOOL!
"Tiff": You're SO lucky!
"Me": Yeah! And our roommates are guys...HOT BROTHERS!
"Tiff": Ha Ha! Lucky!
"Me": And the one Max has rock hard abs and muscles!
"Tiff": Ha Ha! Oh My God!
"Me": But Max is kinda a pervert...
"Tiff": Oh. :-(
"Me": And Laura wants to talk to you.
"Tiff": OK.
"Laura": Hey It's Laura! Guess What?
"Tiff": What?
"Laura": I kissed Adam, my hot roommate!
"Tiff": Oh My God Ha Ha!
"Laura": Yeah Well BYE! Here's Casey!
"Me": Hey G2G!
"Tiff": OK. But I'm visiting you...soon!
"Me": Yeah! I promise! You and Megan!
"Tiff": OK. Ly las Bye!
"Me": Ly las Bye!
I decided that I would call Megan and tell her so I grabbed my cell phone and ran into the living room. There was Adam, Max and 3 other guys I never met before."Uh. Hi?" I said confused. Laura came out to see what was up. "Wow!" she said. "Oh. Guys this is Laura and Casey our roommates." said Adam. One boy said "What The Fuck You guys are so lucky!." Another said "They're either some hot guys, or girls." "Ha Ha, what? never seen a girl before?" Laura asked. "Not here!" said a different boy. "Well DUH!" I said. "Who are you anyways?" I asked. "This is Derek, Kevin and Steve." Max said pointing to each boy. "OK." Laura said. Then Kevin grabbed my hand and said "pleasure to meet you." then he kissed my hand. I went in my room with Laura and called Sarah. I told her everything and she said she wanted pictures. I went into the living room with my phone and took a picture of each boy and they said "What was that for?!" So I smiled. "For my friends Megan and Tiffany. They wanted to see what you looked like!" I said laughing. "OK? Whatever." Adam said. I mumbled jerk but only Max heard me and started laughing.
Max's Point Of View

Mine and Adam's friends came over. Derek, Steve and Kevin. Casey and Laura were in their room doing something so we just sat and watched TV. Casey came out holding her cell phone like she was going to freak out. I told the guys who she and Laura were and Laura and her who they were. Kevin had to try and look cool by kissing her hand. He got me so mad! They went in the room and I wanted to know what they were talking about. They came out later and Casey took pictures of us. She told us it was for her friends and Adam said whatever and Casey mumbled jerk. I thought it was cute when she was mad and I laughed.
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Hope you liked chapter 11!!! Tell me what you think!!! Please comment or leave a message about it on my profile!!!