A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 15

Casey's Point Of View

It got silent as we reached our room. "What happened?" Steve asked. I looked away. "I don't think it's a good time to tell you about it." I said still looking at the floor. I didn't ever think there would be a good time to tell them. I didn't want to tell anyone. I went to my room and lied on the bed. Someone came in, I'd think it was Laura, but it wasn't. It was Max. He probably wanted to yell at me for not telling him. I started crying with my head against the pillow. He sat on the edge of the bed. Silence for a minute or two, then Max broke the silence. "So, what did happen?" he asked quietly. "Like I said, it's not the right time to tell you." I said. He got off the bed and knelled down next to me. "Are you crying?" he asked. I looked at him. My face was red and teary. I was having a little trouble breathing, but I didn't care. The memory of what happened just made me want to get in a time machine and fix everything. "I don't want to remember this anymore." I said still bawling. "If you tell me, I could help you," he said. I could tell he really cared. I told my mom a few times before it got worse, but she just said that she was too busy with work. I didn't want to go to my brother about the situation. Then, when everything got to the absolute worst, everyone was by my side. "Lets change the subject," Max said trying to make me smile by making crazy faces. I grinned. "Can I ask you a question?" I said to him. "Anything." he said smiling. "Why didn't you tell those boys that you were my boyfriend?" I said. He looked at me, then at the floor. He mumbled something but I couldn't seem to hear it right. "What?" I asked tilting his head up. My eyes met his and I kissed him. He pulled away. "Casey. I..." he looked at the floor again. "think we should just be friends." he said not looking back up to see my reaction. "Oh. OK." I felt a tear slide down my cheek, but this time it wasn't because of my past, it was because of the present. What was happening right now made me feel sick. "I'm sorry." he said looking at my face, but still not making direct eye contact. I looked down and started crying again. After I stopped, he lifted my head and wiped the tears from my face with the sleeve of his jacket. I got up and walked into the living room. Time went by fast. "Do you want to go get dinner?" I asked everyone. I looked in the room and he was sitting by the bed. In a minute or two he got up and came out. "Come on, Maxy. We're going to dinner." Steve said. We went and got some food. I sat by Laura and far away from Max. I wasn't over the fact he didn't like me. I really thought he did by the way he acted, but I guess I was wrong...way wrong.
Max's Point Of View

I told Casey I just wanted to be friends. She cried and I wiped away her tears. I could tell she was devastated. I never thought a girl like her would even think about going out with me. She was amazing...perfect. She walked into the living room and I sat by the bed still thinking about what just happened. She probably thought I didn't like her. Which was way wrong. I should have told her the real reason but I thought she would get mad I didn't tell her sooner.
Laura's Point Of View

I was going to see if everything was OK with Casey before Max stopped me. He said he needed to talk to Casey in private and with the guys being here for the night (which they decided without considering asking me or Casey) he would never get a moment to talk to Casey alone. I agreed. I sat in the living room wondering what he had to tell her...what was going on? I was worried and scared, but surprised at the same time. I was thinking about what happened. To Casey, to my mother, to her father. I went through some tough times, but then I thought about Casey. Casey went through much worse and I couldn't do anything to fix it. That made me feel completely useless. I kept thinking until I heard Casey open the door and step out. I could tell she had been crying, but I wondered if it was about Max or what happened back then. I didn't want to ask and get her worked up again, so once Max came out and we went to get food I decided that when we came back I would ask him what happened.
Max's Point Of View

We went to dinner and as we were eating my cell phone rang. I freaked for a second when I saw who it was. Without excusing myself, I ran to the bathroom to answer my phone. I talked for a while then once I got off I realized that Saturday would be the worst day ever. Someone was coming over and I wasn't sure to be happy, or guilty. I came back and everyone was about finished. I wasn't hungry. I was to busy thinking about what to do about Saturday and Monday. School started on Monday. Today was Thursday so I had four days. Adam payed for us and we headed back to the room. We got to the room and Laura pulled me into my room without warning. "What was that for!" I screamed. "I need to talk to you." she said sitting on my bed. "OK. About what?" I asked. "Casey." she said looking worried.
Laura's Point Of View

All throughout dinner I couldn't think but wonder what I was going to say to Max. His cell phone rang and I could see Casey was pretty glad he left. Maybe this did have something to do with Max, but I shouldn't jump to conclusions. We got to the room and I pulled Max into his bed room. I could tell he was mad and curious at the same time. "What about Casey?" he asked. "Why was she so upset when she came out? I could tell she was crying." I said worried. "Why don't you ask her?" he said, but not in a mean way...in a I don't think I should tell you way. "Because I didn't want to mention it and have her burst into tears again!" I said. "Oh." he said trying to stall. "Was she crying because of something that happened with you two, or because of something that happened in the past?" I asked. "Kinda both. I came in and I think she was crying about the past...and I asked her about what happened and she said she didn't want to talk about it. I understood perfectly. We decided to change the subject so, she asked me why I didn't tell the boys I was her boyfriend. I tried to tell her something but I was looking at the ground and she probably couldn't hear me and..." he looked at me. "And what?" I asked. "And she tilted my head up and our eyes met. She kissed me and I pulled away. I told her I just wanted to be friends and she started crying again. I felt horrible but I didn't want to lie to her. I wiped the tears from her face and she got up and went into the living room. Thats what happened." he said looking at me. I decided I was to tired to deal with this right now. "OK. Well, I'll try to fix it tomorrow. Right now, I'm going to sleep." I said. He nodded and we walked out of the room. Everyone stared at us. I walked into my room and heard Kevin whisper. "What was that about? What'd she want? What happened?" I was to tired to do anything and I saw that Casey was already asleep so I got in my pj's and fell dead into sleep.
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