A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 17

Casey's Point Of View

We decided not to be there when they woke up and went out for breakfast. Of course, we went to the school cafeteria. I got some pancakes and sat at the table in the back again. Max got pancakes too, but he drowned them in syrup and jelly. I couldn't stand jelly. About 2 minutes of awkward silence past when some guy sat down next to Max. "Hey Maxy!" he said. "He looked at me. You're either Casey or Laura." he said smiling. "Casey." Max said. "How did you know that I was either Casey or Laura?" I asked. "How would I not know! Your names are going all around the whole school. Who wouldn't know who you were, you're the only girls at this school." he said fast. "Except for the hideously old teachers." I said giggling a little. He began asking questions and I answered every one.
"Where you from?"-"Wyoming."I answered
"The other girl is?"-"Best friend."
He went on and on with questions about my life, then he asked a question that surprised me.
"Wanna go out?"-"I don't know."
"yes and no answers only"-"fine then..." I said getting up and walking back to the elevator. Max caught up and squeezed through the door right before they shut. "Is that dude like a freaking' stalker?" I asked. "Uh...sometimes...but only with girls." Max answered. I laughed. I put my back on the wall and slid to the floor. I realized then how tired I was. I dozed of before we even reached our floor.

***Hours Later***

I woke up on my bed and I heard someone voice "she's opening her eyes." I realized the voice was Derek. "What happened?" I asked. "Max told me that some guy asked you out and you got up and went to the elevator. You sat on the floor and was out of it. I got on and we couldn't tell if you were unconscious or asleep. I carried you back here." Derek said. I sat up seeing only Derek in the room. "Where's everybody?" I asked. "They went to get the nurse. To make sure you were OK. They told me to come, but I didn't want to leave you and have you wake up and freaked out." He smiled. "That's nice, but I'm fine. I was just tired." I said. He just looked at me. "I think I should call them and tell them you woke up and you're fine." He said. "Can I see your cell phone?" he asked. "Don't you got one?" I asked. "Yeah, but it's in my room." He said seeing my phone on the table and grabbing it before I could stop him. He looked through the phone and got Laura's number. He called and talked for a while then hung up. "They said they're glad you're OK but they're going to get something to eat now. I told them to bring us something back." He said. I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair. I thought about him saying he carried me back here. I wish I could've been awake to feel him hold me. What was I thinking? He doesn't like me like that. Why am I even thinking this at all. I walked back into my room and sat on my bed. My phone was there and it started playing a Fall Out Boy song. I looked and saw I had a text. It was from Derek. 'i got Ur number & u got mine & all the guys now.' I sent him back 'Ur stupid. how did u get 2 Ur room so fast?' He answered 'I'm in Ur living room' By then I was confused and walked into the living room. "You had your phone the whole time!" I said with my hands on my hips. "Yep! I just wanted your number." he said smirking.
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Hope you liked chapter 17!!! Tell me what you think!!! Please comment or leave a message about it on my profile!!!