A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 2

Casey's Point Of View

"OK." I yell back. I turn on my CD player and get out all the suitcases I have. (if I haven't mentioned, the boarding school is one for highly educated teens only. we had to take a test to get in) I opened all my drawers and my closet and started putting all my clothes into the suitcase. My clothes took up two and a half suitcases, the other half had my hair stuff in it. Then, I put in my shoes in the another. Then I got the fourth case and put in random things: laptop, games and I put the CD player and my Cd's in last. The last case had my posters, pictures and decoration stuff in it. Of course, I kept my cell phone and i Pod in my pocket. I never went anywhere without my cell phone or i Pod. I forgot to tell my friends bye, so I sent a text to all my closest friends and waited to see if anyone would reply. My phone rang every once in a while and I ignored it and texts whoever it was. I didn't want to talk to anyone in person. People I didn't even know started to text me. I got furious when the least person I wanted to hear from texts me saying 'so you're trying to get away? it's not going to work...' I got scared so I shut of my phone not wanting to talk. I didn't send any message to them so I was guessing people were sending it all around. I didn't think about it, but maybe my mom wanted me to go to get away from them. She wanted me to be safe and she probably thought that California would be the best place for that. I ran downstairs with half and hour to kill. I had brunch and called Laura's dad to tell him I was just leaving to come over, I told my mom I'd be back and headed for the door. I was wearing jeans and a tank. I grabbed my mini jacket and opened the door. Laura's house was only about 2 blocks away so we saw each other all the time and didn't even need rides to each others houses. I made sure the front door wasn't locked and when I saw it wasn't I opened it. "Hey! Laura!" I screamed looking around for her. "Oh. Hey Case." Laura said walking down the stairs. "Laura! Guess what?" I said excited. "What?" she answered. "We made it in the boarding school! We gotta pack your stuff, we're leaving tomorrow." I answered. "Really? I can't wait! Wait, I have to talk my dad into it." she said like all hope was lost. "No problem" I said with a grin. "My mom called and talked to him. He told me to tell you, though." I said, still grinning. We packed all her stuff and put it in my car. Her dad said she had to sleep over if she wanted to get to the school early because he had work until noon. So she told him bye and we raced to my house.
Max's Point Of View

We ate in silence. My dad finished quickly and I was happy to see him put his plate in the sink and tell us he had to go to work. My aunt was going to drive us to the airport in the morning, so me and my brother were alone until about 9:00 am. After my dad left me and Adam talked. We talked about seeing mom, and about the school. I heard that this year they were letting in 2 girls to see how the boys could focus with girls being around, and since the school was a highly educated school, they picked the smartest and richest girls. "I didn't think rich girls were smart." Adam said. "How did you even make it in the school?" I said rolling my eyes. "You are stupid. The amount of money you have doesn't have anything to do with how smart you are." I finished. He stared blankly at me. I was a year older then him and everyone could tell that the year's difference came with a year's worth of more intelligence. I was smart, but not only school smart. The only subject that I wasn't smart in was girls. I didn't play sports, but I was pretty strong. On the other hand, Adam was into all the sports, he was dumb and had about 3 girlfriends throughout his life. "I don't know how we're related. I think you were adopted." I said shaking my head back and forth. I think that in the end, I'm going to be the successful one.
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Hope you liked chapter 2!!! Tell me what you think!!! Please comment or leave a message about it on my profile!!!