A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 20

Casey's Point Of View

"Truth or Dare?" Derek said looking at me. I wasn't sure what to pick. If I said truth, he would ask me some stupid question that I really don't want to answer, but if I picked dare he would dare me to do something really embarrassing or stupid. "Truth" I finally said. "OK. Do you like Max?" he asked me smirking a little. "Kinda but he doesn't feel the same way." I said looking at the ground. I thought I was just going to lie to whatever he asked, but that was the full out truth. Well, not exactly the full out truth. I really liked Max, but he didn't feel the same way. So I lied a little, sue me. That's just the way I am. "Truth or dare?" I asked Laura. "Dare" she said. Laura was a dare devil and she never backed down from any dare unless it was down right wrong. "HM." I said with an evil smirk on my face. "What shall we make her do?" I said rubbing my chin. "I know. I dare you to go in the hall and call all the boys." I said. "Thats it? OK." she said. "Wait. Thats not it. Then, choose the ugliest boy and kiss him, doesn't matter where." I said with the same evil grin as before. Laura gave me her 'oh its on look' and headed for the door. As she was dared, she called out the boys and picked the ugliest boy, named Oliver and kissed him on the cheek. All the other boys looked amazed, then they chased Oliver around everywhere trying to kill him. It was funny, so I laughed and so did Derek, but Laura went and brushed her teeth and used mouth wash which made me and Derek laugh even harder. Laura sat back down and said "My turn! Derek, truth or dare?" She asked. "Dare." Derek said giving Laura an evil grin like I had. "OK. I dare you to go on a date with..." She wouldn't, I thought. "Casey." she said grinning an evil grin. "OK. Where and when?" he asked looking at me. Was he asking me or Laura? "The dance." Laura said. "OK. Casey I guess that means we're going to the dance together. So wear something cute and short." he said smirking like this was his plan all along. "Ha. Don't bet on it bub." I said. "Well, I'm going back to my room to change. Meet you guys...I mean girls at the cafeteria." He said getting up and walking out of the room. "What The Fuck!" I screamed, but saying the actual words. "What?" Laura asked acting innocent. "Oh you know what!" I said getting really angry. "I can't believe you making me go to the dance with Derek!" I said. "Case, calm down. I've got a plan." she said. "A PLAN! YOU'VE GOT A PLAN!" I said screaming. "UNLESS THAT PLAN INVOLVES DEREK MOVING 10,00 MILES AWAY AND ME GETTING A NEW BEST FRIEND WHO DOESN'T MAKE ME GO OUT WITH PEOPLE I HATE, THEN I REALLY DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!!" I screamed furious. "Sorry! I was trying to help you!" she screamed back and started crying. Then she ran into our room and locked the door. By that time, I looked over and Max and Adam were in the doorway. "Ugh!" I sighed jumping onto the couch. "Whats that about?" Max asked. "Whens the dance?" I asked avoiding his last question. "Tomorrow" Max answered. TOMORROW! I HAVE TO GO TO THE DANCE WITH DEREK TOMORROW! I felt bad about what happened with Laura because I actually really liked Derek, but I didn't want to show it. I hurt my best friend and probably ruined my friendship with her all because I didn't want her to know I liked a boy. Now that was horrible. I burst into tears just thinking it and I knew Max and Adam were staring at me wondering why I was crying but I was in no mood to talk or explain. I hated myself right now and nobody could fix it. I guess I have no choice but to go along with the 'date'. I thought.

*3 hours later*

"Casey! Casey, please tell me what's wrong. What happened? Why are you so upset and what's wrong with Laura?" Max said. He's been sitting next to me on the couch bugging me for the last hour or so. "Leave me alone!" I screamed. Those were the first words I'd said for 3 hours straight...to anyone. Those were the first words I said after the horrible words came out of my mouth and I yelled at Laura. The truth was, I really wanted to tell Max about it, but I didn't. I couldn't tell him what I'd said to Laura, he might get mad, too. I looked at him. His he looked like he just saw a ghost. "What?" I said rudely. He just kept looking at me with the same face. "I'm sorry, Max. I...I...I didn't mean to yell. I'm just upset and would like to be left alone." I said, calmer this time. His expression changed, but he didn't say anything. Just as he was about to say something, my cell phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey! You coming to eat?" It was Derek. "Yeah. I'm not sure about Laura though." I said. Max moved closer and put his ear to the phone. 'Derek' I mouthed. 'Oh' he mouthed back. "Hold on! Slow down. 1 second." I said to Derek trying to stop him from rambling on about whatever he was saying. It didn't work. He didn't hear me, so he just kept going on and on and after awhile I put the phone next to me on the couch. It was still open and both Max and I could hear Derek continue on and on. "Wanna come to dinner?" I asked him. "Sure. What about Laura?" he asked. "Adam can bring her down later." I said. I picked the phone back up and screamed "DEREK!" His side went silent. "Thank-you. Max is going to come and Laura and Adam can go eat later." I told him. "What? OK...but why?" He asked. "Long story short. She's mad at me and me and Max are hungry. I'll tell you the rest later." I said. "OK. See you in a little bit." He said. I hung up the phone. "Hey!" Derek screamed opening our door and walking in. "So, lets eat! I'm starved!" he said. Typical Derek. I thought. Right after hanging up with me he walks in the room and says 'I'm hungry'!
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Hope you liked chapter 20!!! Tell me what you think!!! Please comment or leave a message about it on my profile!!!