A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 21

Casey's Point Of View

"OK. Then lets go eat!" Max said. I put on my shoes and ran out of the room to the elevator. This time, without so many boys annoying me but there were still some boys saying hi and staring at me. I don't think they'll ever get used to the idea of having a girl or two in school.I got in the elevator with Max and Derek following. The doors closed and nobody else tried to get in. "Wow!" Max said. "Hey, you better not get another date and try to cheat on me." Derek said looking at me. "What are you talking about?" Max asked Derek. "Didn't you tell him?" Derek asked me. "Are you two going out?" Max screamed.
"Maybe." Derek said in a teasing voice. The elevator went silent and stayed that way until we reached our floor. This time nobody else got on at all. The doors opened and Max ran out and through the front doors. He looked really mad. "What the h*ll! I screamed at Derek and smacked his head. "Ow!" he shrieked. "That hurt! What'd I do?" He asked. "Max...I didn't want you to tell him." I said trying to calm down. "Sorry. I'm hungry. Can we go eat?" he asked innocently. "Fine." I said pulling him to the cafeteria. We grabbed some food and sat at a table in the back with some of Derek's friends. Great. One girl at a table with a bunch of guys like Derek. Wonder how that will work out?
And I was right. They eat like pigs and talk with their mouths full and not only do they have bad table manners, THEY'RE JERKS! Just like Derek. I thought to myself. I couldn't stand being there for one more second, so I finished my salad as fast as I could. "Derek. I'm done. I'm gonna head back to the room. You can come and spend the night if you want." I said getting up. "Oh!" one of Derek's friends screamed. "Can I spend the night, too!" Another screamed as I walked away. "Yeah right! H*ll no!" I screamed back. "Derek, you're so lucky!" I heard another dude say. Then I heard Derek say "yeah. I'm taking her to the dance, too." And he got up. "Wow. She must be some girl then. Nobody can make you go to the dance! Not even your last girlfriend that you dated for like a year!" One boy said. A year?! He dated her for a year and still didn't go to the dance with her? He only knew me for a few days and he is going to the dance with me...weather I like it or not.
I stopped at the door to see if Derek was close behind. He was running towards me. "Wait up!" he screamed. I held the door open and he went through. Then we saw Laura. She was with Adam and some other guy and her face was red. Probably from her crying. I thought. I walked past and she just looked at me with sad eyes. I decided that when we were both back and in our room I would apologize and we would make up. "Hey Adam! Whats up, Tony?" Derek said highfiving the guy with Adam and Laura. I guess his name is Scott. I stopped real quick. "Hi. Scott, I guess? I'm Casey." I said holding out my hand. He said "Hey beautiful. Or, Casey." and then he smiled. I blushed. I could tell Derek was furious! "Sorry, Scottie. She's taken." he said grinning. Oh, no. I thought as Derek put his arm around me. Scott looked at me, then at Derek. "You two are a couple?" he asked. "No. I'm just putting my arm around her because I think she looked cold." he said sarcastically. "Oh. Well, she isn't cold that's for sure." Scott said grinning. "How would you know?" Derek asked. "Cause I know she's far from cold. She's hot." he said still grinning. I blushed and giggled. "Thanks." I said. Then Derek pulled me away so I turned and waved as he pulled me to the elevator. "How could you?" he asked taking his arm off of me.
"What?" I asked getting mad. "Flirt with him when you're going out with me!" he screamed. "We're not going out! We never even had one date!" I screamed back. "You know what." he said. "What?" I said as we reached our floor. We both stepped out and Derek went to his room...across from mine. He opened the door and said "and we never will go on a date!" Then he slammed the door. I went into the living room and once again, I started to cry. Over Derek? I know seriously, but I liked him. My cell phone played the Fall Out Boy ring tone. Oh great, I thought. What does he want? To yell at me some more, but then I saw it was a text. It said 'sorry. i get jealous easily.'
I wasn't sure what to say, but I decided to text: 'It's fine, I guess. I don't really mind finding another date to the dance. Even though I wanted to go with you, I could go with one of your friends? If that's OK with you, that is.' About 2 minutes after I sent the text he said 'What? You actually WANTED to go WITH ME to the DANCE?' I text ed back: 'Yeah, DUH!' And he said 'I'm so sorry! I didn't think you actually liked me. Wow! Cant wait to tell...Never mind.' Then Max walked in the room. "Whats up?" I said. He still looked mad. "Still in shock." he said. "yeah. sorry we ate without ya. we were hungry." I said. "it's fine. what happened with you? why were you crying? where's Derek? who's on the phone?" he asked. Guess this is a game of 20 questions. "Derek got jealous & said he didn't wanna go to the dance with me. Thats the tears. Thats why he went to his room, and he's text me right now." I said text Derek back. 'Yeah. Shocker, I like you. can i go to the dance with 1 of Ur friends or not?' And then Max said "you guys made up that fast?" And I looked at the floor. "No. He told me he was sorry but I don't know if we're going to the dance together or not." I said. "Here. Let me see your phone. I understand 'Derek talk'." he said reaching for my phone, which I handed to him. "Thanks." I said. Then the Fall Out Boy ring tone played again. "Oh. He's calling." Max said handing me the phone.
"Hey, Derek." I said answering the phone. "Hey, Casey. Am I going crazy or did you really say you like me?" he asked. I froze. I didn't know what to say so I threw the phone to Max. "What the crap!" he said. I mouthed the words 'talk to him'. Max said "Hey, Derek." Then Max sat next to me. I grabbed the phone and put it on speaker. "Hey, Max?" Derek said questionably. "Yeah dude." Max said. "I thought I was talking to Casey. Where'd I wanted her to answer the question I just asked." Derek said. I sat the phone on the table in front of us and mouthed the words 'bathroom' to Max. "Oh. Casey had to go to the bathroom, so she told me to talk to you until she got back." Max said and I gave him a thumbs up. "Ask him if he's going to the dance with me or not." I whispered to Max. "Hey, Derek. Are you and Casey still going to the dance? She looked a little shook up when I came in." Max said. "I don't know. She said she liked me, but then she asked if she could go with one of my friends? Dude, I really don't understand girls. And are you OK? I mean the way you rushed out of there." Derek said. I mouthed the words 'ask her back out' to Max.
"Then you should say I'm sorry, Casey. Can we still go to the dance? And yeah dude, I'm fine. Thanks for worrying." Max said. "Well. OK, but I don't think she still wants to go with me." Derek said. "but, it was a dare, so she has to go for me to finish the dare!" Derek said. I got mad that he said I have to go with him. I didn't have to do anything unless I was told by an adult. "Hey, Casey is back. Hold on." Max said. I kept the phone on speaker. I didn't care if Max heard. "Hey, Derek. Sorry." I said. "It's fine. Uh, Casey. I'm really sorry about earlier." he started. "I know. You already said that." I said back. "Yeah, but I was wondering. That since you said you liked me. Maybe you would give me an ... uh ... second chance?" He asked. "Like, go to the dance with you, you mean?" I asked. "Uh ... if you want ... that's what I was asking." He said.
"Thought you'd never ask. Sure, I mean, you gotta do your dare." I said. "Hey, well I gotta go." I said. "OK. Can I talk to Max real quick?" Derek asked. "Sure." I said. "Hey, Derek. Whats up? What'd she say?" He asked, even though he heard the whole conversation and the phone was still on speaker on the living room table and I was listening sitting right next to Max. "She said yeah! Hey, Max. Do you think I could spend the night there? And in the morning you could help me get ready. I've never been to a dance before, and not with a girl." Derek said. "Sure." Max said. "And, since you got a date, then you gotta get ready, too." Derek said. "Uh huh." Max said looking at me.
Date? I mean, I know I'm going with Derek, but I still like Max and how did he get a date so fast? I thought. "Dude. Come over and we'll watch a movie. I gotta give Casey back her phone." Max said worried. "OK." Derek said opening and coming in the door. He hung up the phone and luckily, I grabbed it right before he opened the door and hung it up. "So, what movie we watching?" Derek asked sitting next to me. Then Laura and Adam walked in.
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Hope you liked chapter 21!!! Tell me what you think!!! Please comment or leave a message about it on my profile!!!