A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 22

CASEY'S Point Of View

I stood up for a second and Laura glared at me. I walked into mine & Laura's room gesturing for her to come in. She followed and I closed the door behind her. "What? You wanna yell at me some more?" She asked sitting on the bed. "No." I said taking a seat next to her. "I'm sorry. I didn't want anyone to know I liked Derek...but now you, Max and even Derek all know I do." I said looking at the floor. "What?! Derek & Max know? How did they find out?" She asked jumping to her feet and pacing back and fourth in front of me. "Long story short, Derek dumped me & then I told Max about everything & then I told Derek I liked him & Max told Derek to ask me out again...& he did." I said. "Wow! Long story short, huh? That was still pretty long." She said stopping in front of me. I just laughed. Then I told her everything that happened while she was gone in full out detail. I told her about Derek first calling to see if we were going to dinner ... about Max running out ... about Derek's stupid friends and what they said when I told Derek he could spend the night (she broke into hysterical laughter at that point and I said "IT WASN'T THAT FUNNY!" and she said "I know. I'm just a freak!") ... and I told her about me & Derek's fight, then text him, then Max coming back, then Max & me talking to Derek on speaker phone, then him coming over to spend the night and watch a movie. (it took really long because I got my cell and showed her all of the texts and then I told her exactly everything said and what happened in detail and she kept interrupting. When I was done telling her she laughed and then Max walked in. "Do you guys ... I mean girls wanna watch She's The Man, Nick & Norah's Infinite Play list or Twilight?" he asked us. I wanted to watch Twilight, but I loved She's The Man (even though I've seen it 10 times) but I also wanted to watch Nick & Norah's Infinite Play list! I couldn't decide! "Lets watch Twilight, then Nick & Norah's Infinite Play list, then if we're still awake we can watch She's The Man!" I screamed. "YEAH! Good idea! I'm so not gonna fall asleep!" Laura screamed next. Max covered his ears. (probably from...no, definitely from the screaming) Then he said "whatever floats your boat." and sat on my bed next to me. "What were you two talking about?" He said with a smirk. "Nothing." I said looking at Laura. "Yeah, nothing." She said acting like one of those copy-cat best friends. Laura & I burst into laughter and Max looked at us with an 'are you on pills' look, which made us laugh harder until we fell off the bed and onto the floor rolling around laughing. "You two are crazy!" Max said laughing at us, but not as much as we were laughing. I started to cry from laughing so hard and once I calmed down, I asked Max. "Who are you going to the dance with?" And he looked shocked like I just said I was really a man or something. "Um...um" was all he got out and by then, Laura was done laughing and we were both looking at him with questioning looks. "Spit it out! Who is it?" Laura said shaking Max. "He's going to the dance with his girlfriend." a voice said from the door and with that I spun around to see...
Adam, of course. "What!" Laura screamed. "When did YOU get a girlfriend?!" Laura screamed again in shock. I didn't want to know. I felt like someone just punched me in my gut. He better say he met her yesterday, when he was gone. "Let me rephrase that. His girlfriend is flying in from Michigan to go to the dance with him. She's coming tomorrow." Adam said again. What?! Max kissed me, knowing he had a girlfriend that he never told me about?! That's why he wouldn't go out with me! That cheater! He kissed me before I got in the limo to come to the school. I couldn't believe that. I felt like someone, after punching me in the gut, gave me a hard beating. All of a sudden, I couldn't breath and black dots started filling my eyes. "What?!" Laura screamed. Then I heard her slap Max and he said "Ow!" and then she said "Cheater!" and with that being the last thing I heard, I fainted. (What? No movie? I wanted to see Twilight! Damn you, stupid Adam for making her faint by saying that!)
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Hoped you liked chapter 22!!! Tell me what you think! Leave a comment or a message on my profile!!!