A new school Ok wait AN ALL BOYS SCHOOL

Chapter 24

Casey's Point Of View

Oh. My. Gosh. Did Adam just say he liked me? I thought he liked Laura? She's probably so mad at me and him at the moment. I was right, I saw her face turn red and she was holding her hands in fists. She wasn't only mad...she was furious. "What!?" I screamed. "Adam, do you want to get smacked again?!" Derek asked. "All I said was that I liked her...?" Adam answered. "Yeah, but she's MINE! So back off before I give you a black eye to match the bloody nose." Derek warned. Of course, Adam wasn't scared.
Adam never knows when to back down. "Oh, yeah?" Adam said standing up. "Yeah!" Derek said moving in front of Adam. "Let the war begin!" Adam screamed. I know...that was really stupid... "Guys!" I screamed pushing in between them when Adam was about to throw a punch. I have the worst timing ever. Right when Adam was about to punch me...Max pushed me out of the way. "Don't get involved, Casey. This isn't your fight!" Max screamed. "Yeah well that's because I should be fighting with you! Why would you care if I got punched in the face when you already tore my heart out! You don't care about me..." was all I could say before bursting into tears. Wow, if I'm not knocked out or hurt, I'm crying.
I could tell Laura had enough of all this. She pulled me into our room and closed the door, but surprisingly, she went back into the living room. "What is your problem!" Laura screamed at all 3 of the boys. I could tell they all had stopped fighting because I couldn't hear anything but Laura. "You said you loved me Adam, Derek shouldn't be hitting you, I should. Derek, thanks for protecting Casey and everything...it was sweet but you didn't need to go at it like that. Max, you're just a full out jerk. Me and Casey are done hear." She said walking back into our room. The boys stayed silent. Laura grabbed her cell phone and called the office. "Do you have any other rooms available, Ms?" She asked the woman on the phone. "Well, we could work something out or both I and Casey can pack up and leave right now.
I don't think your boss will be to happy about that now will he?" She said calmly. This is one reason why I loved Laura like a sister...she always knew how to get her way. "I thought you'd understand. I'll be down in about 2 hours with my stuff to get the key. Thank you." She said and hung up her cell phone. "I'm sick of this. The drama is over. You and I have our own room. A royal sweet!" She screamed happily. "I love you like a sister Laura!" I screamed back. "I know. Same here Case!" She screamed and we hugged. "Lets pack up!" She said pulling away from the hug.
About 2 and a half hours later we had everything ready and the lady at the desk called at least 5 times to see when we were coming down. We walked out of our old room, and into the living room with our bags. The boys were all on the couch and when they say us they just stared. "Good Bye boys." Laura said. "And Derek, I don't know what Casey thinks about all of this. I don't know if you two are going to the dance together either. She'll call you later and tell you. In the meantime, Max and Adam don't wait by the phone. I don't think anyone will be calling for you two." Laura said stopping in the door way after I left the dorm room. She closed the door and opened it again. "You can have this back." She said throwing them their key to the room. I didn't want to give mine back so she just closed the door. We got our keys to our new room and headed to the top floor on the elevator.
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